Related Sites & Resources

Virginia Department of Education Parent's Guide to Special EducationA Parent’s Guide to Special Education – VDOE

This publication was developed to help parents understand their rights and responsibilities, their child’s rights and the school’s responsibilities to meet the special needs of their child. The guide includes a description of the special education process and what is required of you and the school during each step of that process. Important timelines are highlighted in each section.

A Parent’s Guide To Special Education is provided in these formats:

Virginia Family Special Education Connection

Virginia Family Special Education Connection



The goal of this website is to provide a one-stop-shop for parents, families and caregivers of children with special needs to:

  • Learn about and plan your child’s educational program
  • Understand your legal rights and responsibilities
  • Access local resources including school system contacts and disability services in your community
  • Access an abundance of resources, including instructional strategies, assistive technology and behavioral supports to help your child succeed.

The Virginia Department of Education hopes that you find the information you need, whether you are new to special education or looking for the latest news, research, and resources.  Parents and families can make a difference in their child’s education.

Additional Resources

The providers and resources on the list are from a variety of sources.  The list is being provided as a courtesy, for information only, and the user should understand that no assurances or guarantees regarding the providers on the list are being made by providing this list.  Arlington Public Schools neither endorses, approves nor recommends any specific provider, resource or organization listed below.  This list is not inclusive of all community agencies, services, or organizations that provide the particular service, and the omission of an agency, service, or organization from this list does not imply disapproval.  It is the responsibility of the user of this list to determine whether any of the content is of value to them and whether or not the agency, service, or organization meets their specific needs.

Please be aware that sites are sometimes relocated. If you find a broken link, please contact Kathleen Donovan.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Accessible Instructional Materials


Age of Majority


Arlington Families

  • — A site that links parents and caregivers to valuable online resources about what’s happening for families in Arlington, Virginia.  Find a playground, meet other parents in a workshop, learn about school options, discover something fun to do over the weekend, or get connected to practical parenting ideas.

Assistive Technology

Attention Deficit Disorder




Cerebral Palsy

Cognitive Delays

College Planning


Deaf Blindness

Developmental Disabilities

Individual Family Support Program (IFSP):
My Life, My Community

Domestic Violence

No Wrong Door: A guide to Arlington’s services for those impacted by intimate partner, dating or domestic violence

Down Syndrome



Early Childhood Development

Emotional Disabilities


Graphic Organizers

Hearing Impairments

Inclusive Schools

Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

Learning Disabilities

Legal & Procedural Information


Mental Health

Mitochondrial Disease

Multiple Intelligence

Northern Virginia: Special Needs Resources

Phonemic Awareness




Sibling Support

Social Skills

Special Education Regulations

Sports and Recreation

Study Skills & Test Taking

Substance Abuse

Arlington’s Second Chance is a free substance use prevention and early intervention program for middle and high school students whose parents/guardians live in Arlington.  It is especially designed to help students in early stages of drug or alcohol use who get caught for the first time at school or by the police in possession of or under the influence of alcohol or marijuana.   Parents can also refer their teen.

Suicide Prevention:

Summer Opportunities

Support Groups in Arlington


Transition (Post High School Opportunities)

Twice Exceptional


U.S. Department of Education

Virginia Department of Education

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has posted several new guidance documents:

Additional information for Parents:  — includes:

  • Every Child Can Succeed… A Parent’s Guide to Virginia’s Standards of Learning Program (PDF Format)
  • Questions Concerning Schools Receiving “Accreditation Denied” Status , (PDF Version)
  • Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools
  • Virginia Standards of Learning Resources
  • Virginia Standards of Learning Testing Calendar (PDF format)
  • Standards of Quality for Public Schools
  • The Standards of Accreditation
  • Alternate Assessment for Certain Students with Disabilities
  • Glossary of Terms Related to Public Education in Virginia
  • No Child Left Behind: A Parents Guide
  • A Parent’s Guide to Special Education
  • When My Child Needs Additional Help, What Do I Need To Know?
  • ~ and much more!

Virginia: Other State Resources

Need more information?  You can contact the Parent Resource Center at 703.228.2739 or  We look forward to talking with you.