VJAS (Virginia Junior Academy of Sciences)

79th VJAS Meeting – May 27-29, 2020

Affiliation and Objectives:

The Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) is directly sponsored by the Virginia Academy of Science (VAS). The objectives of the VJAS are to (1) discover and encourage scientific aptitude among secondary school students [grades 7 through 12] in Virginia, (2) foster fellowship between its members and members of the VAS, (3) encourage students to continue their education in science, engineering and related fields, and (4) develop a background among its members which will lead to membership in the Virginia Academy of Science and other professional science organizations.

Benefits of the VJAS:

The VJAS, through its active state-wide programs, serves as an effective stimulus for scientific research by sponsoring programs for the advancement of science in grades 7 through 12 and by encouraging students to enter scientific research investigations in competition for awards at the annual VJAS Research Symposium. All members are eligible to submit their research papers to the Research Symposium. If accepted students are expected to attend the Symposium, participate in the annual meeting, present their papers and compete for numerous honors and awards.

The VJAS provides a means for students to meet others of similar ages, intents, and ambitions from the Commonwealth. The Research Symposium of VJAS provides an opportunity for students to attend lectures by professional scientists, scientific paper sessions of the VAS, and research presentations by their peers.

*above taken from the VJAS Handbook.
More information on the VJAS, including how to write and submit a paper for consideration for this year’s symposium, can be found at their website:  http://www.vjas.org

2020 APS Forms for Symposium Presentation

If your paper was selected for presentation, the following forms must be completed and returned to your school’s VJAS sponsor by the school’s designated deadline. For additional questions and details, please see your school’s VJAS sponsor. There may be additional paperwork required by VJAS and/or the hosting university.

  • Commitment to Attend
  • Rules of Conduct
  • Field Trip Permission (English or Spanish)
  • Luggage and Lodging Search
  • Authorization for Medication (for any prescription medications that need to be administered during the trip; This requires a doctor’s signature, and each medication needs a separate form.