Post-secondary opportunities for High School Students

Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) provides information to assist students in making informed decisions about their futures after graduating from high school. This ensures that such students are aware of the costs and benefits of different education and certificate programs. VDOE link provides information on preparing, applying, and paying for college, as well as information on degrees and labor-market career projections.

Preparing for Postsecondary Education                                                                                                            Is college worth the investment?

The benefits and positive outcomes for earning a postsecondary degree or credential have been well researched. The Key Facts About Higher Education provides valuable information on the value of college, including wages earned by college graduates and average student debt. Graduates with postsecondary education (degree or credential) have higher average earnings for each level of college degree, are more likely to have health insurance, pay taxes, vote and volunteer, and are less likely to receive unemployment benefits or need public assistance benefits.

Post-secondary Employment Data

Median Wages, 10 Years Post-Graduation

Post-secondary Employment Data

Sources: State Council for Higher Education EOM18: Exploration of Wages over time by Degree for degree wages, U.S. Census Personal Income tables.

Preparing for college

State Council of Higher Education for Virginia offers great resources for students, families and educators. Check out Preparing for College to get access to a free toolkit of resources.

Applying for collegeThe State Council of Higher Education in Virginia offers great resources for students, families, and educators. Check out their Applying for College webpage.

Going to Post-Secondary?Congratulations! Students who have prepared and applied for college can work through Making Decisions About College to start finalizing decisions. It is easy to be overwhelmed by all the information and opportunities available. Students and families are encouraged to work with their educators, school counselors, and college and career counselors to finalize postsecondary plans.

Paying for Post-secondary education

Think you can’t afford college? Think again! There are multiple ways to pay for college, including some free ones, making a higher education more affordable and leaving you with less student debt.Virginia Student Loan Help is a service that assists students in making smart decisions about paying for college. It was created by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). By completing short educational modules, you’ll learn how college financing works, how to manage your loans, and where to turn if you need help.How much money will I make after graduating from college?Students can explore a variety of data about how much graduates earn 18 months following completion of a degree or certificate by using SCHEV’s Guide to the Post-Completion Wages of Graduates.

Additional resources for college and career planning

Virginia Education Wizard This tool is a great way to look at how careers fit into your personal strengths and attributes.Big Future – College BoardCollege Navigator  from the National Center for Education Statistics