School Board Meeting February 7, 2019

Minutes for the February 7, 2019 Meeting

For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of the video window once the meeting starts (if you don’t see the toolbar, click once in the video window).

Meeting Agenda:

Opening: Pledge of Allegiance 0:00:00
Recognition: National Board Certified Teacher Recognition 0:02:38
Announcements; Superintendent’s Announcements and Updates 0:16:23
Consent Items & Appointments 0:41:27
Citizen Comment on Non-Agenda Items 0:43:09
Monitoring Item:  Professional Learning on Equity 0:53:24
Monitoring Item:  Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 Instructional Program Pathways Preview 1:53:46
Action Item:  School Calendar 2:28:03
Information Item:  Proposed Revisions to School Board Policy D-10.1 Purchasing 2:34:08
Information Item:  Proposed Revisions to School Board Policy D-10.30 Purchasing – School Board Approval Required on Construction and Non-Construction Contracts 2:36:50
Information Item:  Extended Day Licensing 2:50:19
Information Item:  Transfer of Funds from Capital Reserve for Fleet Elementary School Joint Funding Items 3:05:49
Information Item:  Change Order to Construction Contract Sum for Fleet Elementary School 3:07:59
Information Item:  Education Center Reuse Schematic Design 3:13:06
Information Item:  Access Easement for Dominion Energy at the Heights Building 4:18:19