January 1, 2016
Proposal Submission Process The proposal submission process for the Festival of the Minds Professional Learning Conference is now open....
Library Catalog
January 1, 2016
Library Catalog: Follett Destiny Destiny Discover, will connect you to a specific APS school library where you can search...
How to Register
May 19, 2015
** All REEP classes are online for fall 2020. ** Our registration process is completely online. Step 1: Complete...
Summer Reviews
May 19, 2015
Below please find summer mathematics reviews. Please select the grade/math course that your child completed during the 2022-2023 school...
The Humanities Project Overview
May 14, 2015
The Humanities Project is Arlington Public Schools’ (APS) artist-in-the-schools program. The Humanities Project places artists for assemblies, workshops and...
Early Childhood
May 14, 2015
Late Applications The primary application window for the 2023-24 school year is closed. Late applications will be accepted beginning...
Dual Enrollment – At a Glance
May 11, 2015
What is Dual Enrollment? Dual enrollment is an enrichment opportunity allowing high school students to earn college credits for...
CTE News
May 7, 2015
CTE Podcast: Listen on Anchor: Arlington CTE – Keeping it Real Listen on Apple Listen on Google (click here...
Festival of the Minds
May 6, 2015
Professional Learning Conference The Festival of the Minds professional learning conference occurs annually and provides a range of sessions...
Title I
May 6, 2015
Mission Committed to the shared effort to eliminate student opportunity and success gaps and to providing high quality, engaging...