Homebound Instruction

Initiation of Service

The following hours per grade level listed are consistent with the Virginia Department of Education Guidelines and represent the minimum hours of instruction to be provided. These hours may not be applicable in all instances (e.g., for students with IEPs, the IEP Team determines the hours required in accordance with the student’s education needs).

  • Elementary school students are allowed a minimum of five (5) hours of instruction per week or twenty (20) hours per month.
  • Middle school students may receive a minimum of eight (8) hours of instruction per week or 32 hours of instruction per month.
  • High school students may receive a minimum of two (2) hours per core academic subject per week; other accommodations on an individual basis.

Homebound instruction should be initiated as soon as possible following receipt of a complete certification of eligibility for homebound instruction, but no later than five (5) instructional days upon approval of the request.

The Coordinator of Homebound Instruction is responsible for the coordination and facilitation of homebound instruction. The elementary school principal or the director of counseling services in a middle school or high school, the student’s teacher(s), and the homebound teacher have joint responsibility in implementing homebound instruction. If a student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), it is appropriate that the student’s special education case carrier be responsible for coordination of special education services.

If a student with a disability is found eligible for Homebound Instruction, the responsibilities for planning, implementing and monitoring the academic program remain with the student’s IEP or 504 Team.

In cases where the student has an IEP, the Coordinator of Homebound Instruction should promptly transmit the certification of eligibility for homebound instruction to the IEP Team by for review and determination of a temporary change in placement for the student.

The IEP Team must then reconvene to consider special education and related services and reflect homebound services in the IEP delivered in the homebound setting. If necessary, an expedited IEP meeting may be held. All due process and IEP procedures will be followed.

When administrative processing delays the initiation of homebound services, efforts to provide homebound instructional services should be documented and delays explained to the parent/guardian.

The Coordinator of Homebound Services shall assign the homebound teacher(s) and notify the referring source of the start date.

The elementary principal, or middle or high school director of counseling services, or special education case carrier/teacher is responsible for coordinating the procedure in collaboration with the Coordinator of Homebound Instruction for working with the homebound teacher and parent/guardian and for providing the following:

  1. A record of the student’s program to date, including grades and such other information as may be necessary;
  2. A proposed program to be followed by the student under the direction of the homebound teacher;
  3. Instructional resources that may include online and/or adaptive technology, as appropriate; and
  4. Tests or examinations for the subject areas and instructional program pursued.


If instruction and/or special education related services are provided in the home, the parent/guardian or a responsible adult must be present. Services may be provided at an alternative location per agreement between the parent and Coordinator of Homebound Instruction.

Homebound instructional services are supported by an assigned Arlington Public Schools homebound instructor(s) utilizing materials and lessons provided by the student’s school-based teachers.

Homebound instruction is designed so the student does not fall significantly behind during the period of confinement. It is necessary for the student to participate in the instructional process and complete assignments. Homework should be expected. Not all work will be completed in the presence of the homebound teacher. Every effort is to be made to ensure academic progress; however, course credit must still be earned according to class requirements. Priority is to be given to core academic subjects. Specialty classes (i.e., those requiring labs, special facilities or equipment) may not be comparable. Elective courses are not guaranteed.

The following people have the following responsibilities:

Coordinator of Homebound Instruction:

  • Considering the possibility of available technology (distance broadcasting, robotics, etc.) for the student to participate in certain classroom activities from home
  • Verifying ongoing treatment and/or therapy and monitoring progress towards transition back to the school setting

Teacher of record:

  • Provide the homebound teacher with appropriate instructional materials and information
  • Be responsible for grading procedures in collaboration with the homebound teacher, including providing scoring rubrics and answer keys for assignments and tests
  • Maintain close contact with the homebound teacher or the program coordinator supervising online instruction to monitor the instructional progress of the student
  • Collaborate with the homebound teacher about the curriculum and appropriate instructional strategies
  • Collaborate with the school’s test coordinator (STC) and the homebound teacher regarding state assessments

Homebound Teacher:

  • Maintain close contact with the student’s teachers, counselor, and the program coordinator to receive and implement appropriate educational programs
  • Use assignments and materials provided by the Teacher of record or designated supervisor of instruction
  • Maintain an accurate record of the hours of instruction provided for each assigned student and file such information with the Coordinator of Homebound Instruction
  • Submit the student’s completed work to the designated school representative prior to the end of the grading period and maintain written documentation of work completed with the homebound records, or in cases where online instruction is used, provide a written record
  • Document any instructional time that is interrupted because of the child not being available for the instruction period
  • Obtain necessary training for administering state tests (SOL’s), if it is determined that SOL(s) are to be administered by the homebound teacher


  • Your first priority
    • Follow the health care provider treatment plan for your student
    • Notify the teacher, prior to the scheduled visit, if there is a contagious illness in the home or if there is an emergency
    • Advise the homebound teacher of any change in the student’s status that would necessitate modification or termination of homebound services
  • To accommodate instruction
    • Provide adequate facilities for teaching (quiet room without interruptions, with a table, chairs and appropriate supplies) or provide transportation to another agreed upon facility
    • Have a responsible adult in the home during the entire period of instruction
    • Have the student ready for instruction at the time designated by the homebound teacher
  • To ensure accountability
    • Keep all appointments with the homebound teacher (excessively missed appointments may result in suspension of services for general education students and may relieve the school division from providing make-up services to students with disabilities)
    • Notify the Coordinator of Homebound Instruction of missed appointments or tardiness by the homebound teacher
    • Students receiving homebound instruction may not work or participate in extracurricular activities, non-academic activities (such as field trips), or community activities unless these activities are specifically outlined in the students medical plan of care or the Individualized Education Program (if applicable).
  • To follow up on instruction
    • Supervise daily homework
    • Make effort to complete school assignments

The school administrator is responsible for ensuring that the school test coordinator (STC) is aware of students who are receiving Homebound Instruction.

The School Test Coordinator is to assist in the coordinating the administration of SOL’s, along with the school administrator, the Coordinator of Homebound Instruction, and the homebound teacher.

Students who receive extended homebound services may access learning through virtual courses, if appropriate.

Credit for the work completed by the student while receiving homebound services shall be awarded when it is done under the supervision of a licensed teacher, a person eligible to hold a Virginia license, or other appropriately licensed professional employed by Arlington Public Schools, and there is evidence that the instructional time requirements or alternative means of awarding credit adopted by the Arlington School Board have been met.

During homebound instruction, the homebound teacher will make a recommendation, in duplicate, regarding grades to the elementary principal or the middle or high school director of counseling services. One copy will be for the Coordinator of Homebound Instruction and the other will be given to the elementary school principal or middle or high school director of counseling services.