Equitable Services for Eligible Students and Instructional Personnel in Private Nonprofit Schools

APS provides equitable services for eligible private nonprofit school children, teachers, and other educational personnel under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. Services are aligned to the school’s comprehensive needs assessment and designed to utilize evidence-based strategies to effectively meet educational needs and supplement educational services provided by the private school. Participating private schools engage in ongoing consultation with APS about school needs, available services, and effectiveness of implemented strategies. Eligible students and staff may receive equitable services in federal programs administered through APS, currently including:

  • Title II, Part A. Contact Cate Coburn, APS Federal Programs Coordinator
  • Title III, Part A. Contact Sam Klein, English Learner Supervisor

APS is one of fourteen Virginia school divisions that participate in a bypass provision, under which the U.S. Department of Education directly provides Title I, Part A, equitable services to private school students and teachers through a third-party provider. Contact VDOE directly if interested in Title I, Part A services.

  • Title I, Part A. Contact Carol Sylvester, VDOE Education Coordinator – Equitable Services Ombudsman.


Resources for Participating Schools