Development of the 2024-30-Strategic Plan

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Steering Committee | Timeline | Community Engagement | Status Updates | Resources 


During the 2023-24 school year, Arlington Public Schools will work collaboratively with stakeholders to develop the 2024-30 APS Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan serves as a roadmap to guide and focus our work as a school division to provide high-quality educational opportunities that support the academic and social-emotional needs of all students. The process to develop the 2024-30 Strategic Plan will led by APS Staff and a Steering Committee comprised of diverse group of stakeholders (students, parents, community members, teachers, administrators, and staff) and include multiple opportunities for all stakeholders to share their input and feedback throughout the process.

Steering Committee

The 2024-30 Strategic Plan Steering Committee consists of students, staff, families, and community members that will work collaboratively with APS staff and the community during the 2023-24 school year to develop a proposed six-year strategic plan for APS. The Steering Committee will meet regularly (1-2 times/month) beginning in June 2023.

The Strategic Plan Steering Committee will meet regularly to complete the following:

  • Review APS performance data and external data.
  • Work together in developing a recommendation on proposed revisions to the mission, vision, core values, and goals that are supported by community expectations and aspirations.
  • Share feedback on APS Staff’s proposed Strategic Plan Implementation & Monitoring Elements.
  • Gather and analyze community input and feedback throughout the process.

View the Strategic Plan Steering Committee Members webpage to read the committee member’s bios.

Steering Committee Meeting Dates

  • All meetings are in person on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:45 p.m. at the Syphax Education Center (2110 Washington Blvd) unless noted otherwise
  • Attendance at all meetings is expected
  • Dinner will be provided
  • Childcare for children age 4+ will be available
  • All meetings are open to the public, but non-committee members will only be able to observe meetings and are unable to participate
Meeting #   Date  
Phase 1 – Planning  
1 June 5, 2023 (Mon)
2 June 21, 2023(Cancelled)
Phase 2 – Development of Plan  Part 1 – Strategic Plan Foundations
3 September 13, 2023
4 September 27, 2023 (Cancelled)
5 October 14, 2023 (Sat: 9am – 1pm)
6 November 8, 2023
7 November 20, 2023 (Mon)(Cancelled)
8 December 13, 2023
Part 2 – Strategic Plan Monitoring Elements
9 January 10, 2024
10 February 21, 2024
11 March 6, 2024
12 April 8, 2024 (Mon)
13 May 8, 2024
14 June 5, 2024

Development Process Timeline

Phase 1 – Planning (Spring – Summer 2023)

Date​ Activity​
May Appoint Steering Committee
June APS Staff & Steering Committee will:

  • Review performance data from current APS Strategic Plan​
  • Review external scan​
  • Consider strategic plans of “benchmark districts”​
  • Conduct an analysis to identify strengths, needs, opportunities, etc.

Phase 2 – Development of 2024-30 Strategic Plan (SY 2023-24) 

Part IFoundations (Mission, Vision, Core Values, Goals)​

Date​ Activity​

Sept – Oct.​


Community Engagement

  • Gather stakeholder input on hopes and aspirations through essential questions​
  • Incorporate input to inform priorities
Oct.​ 2023 Steering Committee develops proposed Foundations informed by community priorities & analysis​
Oct – Nov​ 2023 Community Engagement ​

  • Feedback on proposed Foundations​
Nov​. 2023 Steering Committee reviews feedback and revises plan​
Nov​. 2023 SB Work Session and revisions​
Late. Nov​. 2023 SB Information Item – Foundations ​
Dec.​ 2023 SB Action Item – Foundations ​

Part 2 – Monitoring Elements (Strategies, Desired Outcomes, Measures, Performance Objectives, Key Performance Indicators)

Jan – Feb​ 2024 Development of proposed Monitoring Elements
Feb – Mar​ 2024 Steering Committee feedback on Monitoring Elements and staff revisions​
April-May 2024​ Community Engagement  ​

  • Feedback on proposed Monitoring Elements ​
May​ 2024 SB Work Session and staff revisions​
June​ 2024 SB Information Item & Action Item – Monitoring Elements​
Summer​ 2024
  • Publish & communicate plan​
  • Implementation begins​

Community Engagement


  • Process — Raise awareness among internal and external stakeholders about the development process for the 2024-30 Strategic Plan, including timelines, and ways to participate in the process.
    • APS will use a variety of communications channels to update and encourage community engagement in process including School Talk and Engage Updates as well as social media and community publications
  • Recommendations— Share information, encourage engagement, and gather feedback on proposed Strategic Plan Foundations (Mission, Vision, Core Values, and Goals) in Fall 2023 and the proposed Monitoring Elements (Strategies, Desired Outcomes, Measures, Performance Objectives and Key Performance Indicators) in Spring 2024
    • Community and staff will have multiple opportunities to provide feedback throughout the process that will begin in Fall 2023 and carry through the 2023-24 school year
    • Some of the ways APS will solicit and gather stakeholder feedback include, but not limited to, Steering Committee meetings, engage website, community forums, surveys
  • Follow-up — Inform all APS stakeholders about decisions related to the 2024-2030 Strategic Plan that will be implemented. Provide updates on the school divisions progress toward the goals and objectives in the 2024-2030 Strategic Plan

Please note, additional details on community engagement, including dates and opportunities will be shared later this Spring and again in Fall 2023.

Status Updates

  • April 14 – May 4, 2023 – Steering Committee Application Window
  • April 13 , 2023 – School Board Meeting – Announcement of Steering Committee Application (View Presentation at the 2:09:42 Minute Mark)
  • May 25, 2023 – School Board Meeting Appointment and Public Announcement of Steering Committee Members
  • June 5, 2023 – Steering Committee Meeting #1


For additional information or questions regarding development of the 2024-30 Strategic Plan, please contact