APS Go! Multimodal Access Scores

Although the goal of APS Go! is to develop and implement division-wide TDM strategies, it is important to acknowledge that not all sites/schools have the same opportunity for multimodal transportation. This analysis examined “Permanent” physical conditions, “Variable” local conditions, and “Cultural” elements that influence each school’s potential for walking, biking, transit, car/vanpooling and other green modes. The Multimodal Access Opportunity Scores were designed to get a sense of each site’s opportunity for multimodal transportation. A simple set of criteria was used to develop two Opportunity Scores for each site: a Walk/Bike Score and a Transit/Bike Share Score. Input for the scores came from APS data and a field scan of each site, conducted by Toole Design Group in Fall 2013.

Multimodal Access Opportunity Scores