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Gifted Services Advisory Committee

The Gifted Services Advisory Committee (GSAC) is one of the 13 advisory committees under the umbrella of the Advisory Council on Teaching and Learning (ACTL). GSAC meets monthly during the school year, advises School Board of needs of gifted students in Arlington Public Schools, and annually reviews the Local Plan for the Gifted. This committee makes recommendations to the School Board every two years.

Joining the GSAC

We are always looking for parents, teachers, and community members to join us in our advocacy of Gifted Services in Arlington County Public Schools.  If you would like to be a part of these discussion, please complete the ACTL Subject-Matter Advisory Committee Application (found at the bottom of linked page)

Meeting Dates for 2021-2022

GSAC meets once a month (September – May) on Mondays starting at 7:00 PM and ending at 8:30 PM.

The co-chairs this year are Carlisle Levine and Greg Eastman.

ACTL Kickoff:  Wednesday, September 8.

Gifted Services Advisory Meeting Dates: 

September 20 October 18 November 22
December 13 January 24 February 28
March 28 April 25 May 23 

The meetings will be virtual and open to the public.  Contact Carlisle Levine and Greg Eastman for more information.

APS Local Plan for the Gifted 2017-2022

This document is the five year plan for gifted services in APS. It is signed by the Superintendent, presented to the School Board for approval and is sent to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE).

GSAC Yearly Reports

GSAC writes a report and/or makes recommendations to support improving the ways Arlington Public Services meets the needs of its Gifted Students.  These reports detail changes that are being made from year to year, along with how students are being effected by new initiatives and programs.  Please look through the following reports to find out more:

GSAC 2021-2022

GSAC 2020-2021

GSAC Report 2018-2019

GSAC Report 2017-2018

GSAC Report 2016-2017

GSAC Report 2015-2016

GSAC Report 2014-2015

GSAC Report 2013-2014

Gifted Services Program Evaluation

Policy directives established for Arlington Public Schools require systematic evaluation of personnel, schools, and programs to encourage continuous improvement. All instructional program areas within the Department of Instruction conduct a districtwide program evaluation on a 6-year cycle.

The Gifted Services Office initiated the design of its program evaluation in the 2014 – 2015 school year. The results of the three-year evaluation process was presented to the APS School Board on June 29, 2017.

Program Evaluation: Gifted Services Presentation to School Board

Program Evaluation: Gifted Services Executive Summary

Program Evaluation: Gifted Services Report

Outside Consultant Program Evaluation by Dr. Joyce Van Tassel-Baska

The Gifted Services Office initiated the design of its program evaluation in the 2005-2006 school year. The results of the two-year evaluation process was presented to the APS School Board on November 13, 2008.

Gifted Services Program Evaluation

Gifted Services Program Evaluation School Board Presentation