APS News Release

School Board Updated on Class Size Reports and Enrollment Projections

At last night’s meeting, staff provided the School Board with an update on the recently released class size reports and enrollment projections.

Enrollment Projections
Staff outlined the process, methodology and data sources used to develop the forecast of enrollment over the next 10 years, as well as the quality assurance measures used to verify the process and outcomes.  Projections are used annually to develop future operating budgets, space utilization plans and the capital improvement plan. In addition, the projections help to plan for future staffing and instructional resource needs. According to the recently released “fall” projections (which were calculated using the September 30 enrollment numbers), next year’s projected enrollment of 27,197 will exceed the highest enrollment since the 1970s. The fall projections are updated annually in the spring to inform adjustments needed for the FY 2018 operating budget.

Class Size Report
The class size report provides information on the distribution of students within classes at each school. Data for the report comes from Student Information System and represents a specific time of the year. At the middle school and high school levels there may be some variances across schools due to distribution of students in classes based on scheduling needs and course selection.  The Class Size Report is produced in accordance with School Board Policy (SBP) 20-1.3 and ensures the provision of class sizes that support the effective delivery of the instruction program to all students. The report also reflects the application of the budget planning factors which determines staffing allocation for each school.

Both reports are available on the Statistics page of the APS website. To view the staff’s full presentation from last night, click here.

Three additional monitoring reports were also presented:

  • Superintendent’s Update on Major Initiatives: The Superintendent provided an update on three initiatives currently underway, including:
    • Drew Visioning: Staff held two community meetings on Oct. 24 and Dec. 8 to gather community input on the future of Drew Model School. Staff has created a survey for parents and the community to gather more feedback on the future vision of Drew. The survey is open through Feb. 13. More information is available online.
    • New High School Instructional Focus: Work is underway to plan for a new comprehensive high school with a recommendation being made to the Board in June. The timeline is available online.
    • Update on School Board Policy 25-2.2 Enrollment and Transfers for Schools and Programs: The Board is currently in the process of updating the policy on enrollment and transfers to schools and programs to reflect current enrollment conditions; clarify intent; and prepare for new seats. A work session was held on Jan. 9 to refine the community engagement process. Staff will hold a series of “Getting Started” meetings in February.
  • Design and Construction Financial Audit: Staff reported on the findings of an audit of Design and Construction. The report summarized an overview of the internal audit; financial controls in place and next steps. The full report is available online.
  • FY17 Mid-Year Fiscal Monitoring Report: Staff reported on the purpose of the midyear review and the status of the FY17 budget. The full presentation is available online.

The School Board approved four items:

  • Revision of School Board Policy 35-3 Employment: The Board approved changes to align language regarding groups protected from discrimination with SBP 35-4.4 Equal Employment Opportunity, and updated citations to include the Virginia Department of Education regulations and the Code of Virginia.
  • FY2016 Final Fiscal Close-out and Status Report: The Board approved staff recommendations on the use of FY16 closeout funds. The full report is available online.
  • Revision to Select Student Services School Board Policies: The Board adopted recommended changes to SBP 25, which focuses on providing a safe, equitable, inclusive, respectful learning environment and supporting professional collaboration through partnerships with families and community. The new title of the policy is “Return-to-Learn for Students Experiencing Traumatic Brain Injury, Other Medical or Psychological Illness,” which aligns with the wording in the Code of Virginia.
  • Contract Award for Architecture and Engineering Services for the Career Center Expansion Project: The Board awarded a contract in the amount of $343,435 to Stantec for the Master Plan Study funded from the 2016 Bonds that will be sold later this spring.

As part of its Consent Agenda, the Board approved the appointment of Paul Jamelske as the Director of Special Education. Jamelske has served as the interim director since July 1, 2016.


  • Contract Award for Construction Management Advisor Services for the New Elementary School at Jefferson: Based on negotiations, staff is recommending the Board award the contract for Construction Management Advisor Services to MBP to provide full design, construction and close out phase CMA services including reimbursable and third party testing costs. The total fee for these services is $1,057,548.
  • Contract Award for Architecture and Engineering Services for Relocation of Administrative Offices to Sequoia Plaza Two: Staff recommended that the Board award the contract, in the amount of $766,601, to Studio Twenty Seven Architecture. Proposed funding is in the FY2016 Closeout Funds and is contingent on Board approval.

The Board recognized the winners of the 2017 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Literary and Visual Arts contest winners.  

Citizens who want to comment on any of the items discussed at the School Board meeting should email the Board at school.board@apsva.us or call 703-228-6015. Citizens may call 703-228-2400 on the Monday after the School Board meetings to listen to a meeting summary. School Board meetings are also broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 70 and Verizon FiOS Channel 41; live-streamed on the APS website, and re-broadcast on Fridays at 9 p.m. and Mondays at 7:30 p.m. immediately following the meeting. All materials and minutes of the meeting will be posted to the website at aps2016.apsva.us/schoolboard upon School Board approval at a subsequent meeting.