APS News Release

Arlington County Council of PTAs Announced the 2019-20 Reflections Winners

PTA ReflectionsLast week, the Arlington County Council of Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) announced the 2019-20 Reflections contest winners at the county level.

Reflections is a nationwide contest and arts promotion program that encourages students to create works in dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts, based on a common theme. This year’s theme was “Look Within.”  All students from prekindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to enter.

The top winner from each category and age division is selected as “Outstanding Interpretation of the Theme” and goes on to compete in the Northern Virginia District PTA contest. The program continues at the state and national levels. For questions, please e-mail ccptareflections@gmail.com.   

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Natalia Thornton, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Excellence: Daniella DiSoco, Key Elementary School
Award of Merit: Tessa Johnson, Arlington Traditional School 

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Mihika Sinha, Zachary Taylor Elementary School
Award of Excellence:  Catherine LaGarde, Long Branch Elementary School; Charlie Whiteman, McKinley Elementary School
Award of Merit:  Myla McNair, Nottingham Elementary School; Neena Robert, Tuckahoe Elementary School; Inara Tajuddin, Key Elementary School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Grace Fettig, Williamsburg Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Elizabeth Mineau, Washington-Liberty High School 

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Theo Whiteman, McKinley Elementary School
Award of Excellence:  Joseph Manfra, Discovery Elementary School

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Mason Mirabile, Discovery Elementary School
Award of Excellence:  Tiago Woodyard, Key Elementary School
Award of Merit: Luc Herbert, Ashlawn Elementary School; Avaani Jolly, Nottingham Elementary School; Ezra Lee, Arlington Traditional School  

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Eric Chung, Williamsburg Middle School 

Special Artists Division (Grades K through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Marcelo Garcia-Rivera, McKinley Elementary School 

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Daniel Noonan, Key Immersion
Award of Excellence:  Charlotte Na, Nottingham Elementary School; Mira Shomali, Arlington Science Focus; Lila Voigt, Zachary Taylor Elementary School; Nyala Williams, Hoffman-Boston Elementary School
Award of Merit:  Viviana Gallardo-Velez, Discovery Elementary School, Haeli Guzman, Montessori Public School of Arlington; Zachary Moss, Ashlawn Elementary School; Natalie Shaw, KW Barrett Elementary School; Lila Shukla Gorcys, McKinley Elementary School; Rohan Veeraraghavan, Arlington Traditional School; Elizabeth Vincent, Peyton Randolph Elementary School

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Ariana Losos, Arlington Science Focus School
Award of Excellence:  Siddharth Ghosh, Nottingham Elementary School; Noah Golden, Montessori Public School of Arlington; Alexander Kerr, KW Barrett Elementary School; Charli Lorenz, Jamestown Elementary School
Award of Merit: Quincy Ayscue, Arlington Traditional School; Lillian Brunk, McKinley Elementary School; Cristhian Laguna Morales, Peyton Randolph Elementary School; Claire O’Sullivan, Discovery Elementary School; Olivia Quinn, Key Elementary School; Sophia Robert, Tuckahoe Elementary School; Raghav Tandon, Ashlawn Elementary School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Evelyn Rives, Gunston Middle School
Award of Excellence:  Evelyn Scally, Dorothy Hamm Middle School
Award of Merit:  Elijah Dale, Williamsburg Middle School; Bethany Panza, Kenmore Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Charlotte Papacosma, Wakefield High School
Award of Excellence:  Abigail Guffman-McCabe, Yorktown High School

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Charlotte Na, Nottingham Elementary School
Award of Excellence:  Nyala Williams, Hoffman-Boston Elementary School
Award of Merit:  Dahalia DiSoco, Key Elementary School 

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Cate Branon, Jamestown Elementary School
Award of Excellence:  Leah Dober, McKinley Elementary School; Benjamin Kerr, KW Barrett Elementary School; Myriam La, Tuckahoe Elementary School; Madison McBeth, Montessori Public School of Arlington
Award of Merit:  Mason Mirabile, Discovery Elementary School; Audrey Na, Nottingham Elementary School; Jacob Nadherny, Key Elementary School; Ananda Taggart, Arlington Science Focus; Yining “April” Tian, Arlington Traditional School 

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Clara Crawford, Gunston Middle School
Award of Excellence:  Michael Discenza, Williamsburg Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Lindsay Glaccum, Yorktown High School
Award of Excellence:  Michael O’Grady, Wakefield High School
Award of Merit:  Clara Wells-Dang, Washington-Liberty High School 

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Zara Oberoi, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Excellence:  Lucas Hardin, Key Elementary School; Lottie Robert, Arlington Traditional School
Award of Merit:  Abigail Paige, McKinley Elementary School; Mira Shomali, Arlington Science Focus; Christian Tallent, Jamestown Elementary School

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Ella Engelhardt, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Excellence:  Cole DelVecchio, Arlington Traditional School; Mason Mirable, Discovery Elementary School; Sesh Sudarshan, Tuckahoe Elementary School; Miles Wright, Key Elementary School
Award of Merit:  Joseph Boller, McKinley Elementary School; Alexandra Mooney, Long Branch Elementary School; Audrey Na, Nottingham Elementary School; Arden Peale, Jamestown Elementary School; Ellen Rugaber, Zachary Taylor Elementary School; Yara Shomali, Arlington Science Focus; Ella Smith, Ashlawn Elementary School; Christopher Wald, Hoffman-Boston Elementary School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Anna Brodsky, Dorothy Hamm Middle School
Award of Excellence: Rebecca Garland, Williamsburg Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Mila Sampson, Yorktown High School
Award of Excellence: Aidan Shenk, Washington-Liberty High School
Award of Merit: Eve Posner, Wakefield High School

Visual Arts

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Valentina McCoy, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Excellence:  Johanna Chow, Arlington Traditional School; Carson Corneretto, Jamestown Elementary School; Holly Gibson, Key Elementary School; Madeleine McBride, Zachary Taylor Elementary School; Gavin Tucker, Barcroft Elementary School; Eliana Villwock, Discovery Elementary School
Award of Merit:  Charlotte Allen, McKinley Elementary School; Maria F. Dominguez Ramirez, Peyton Randolph Elementary School; Jason Gunter, Hoffman-Boston Elementary School; Amelia Hebert, Ashlawn Elementary School; Felix Losos, Arlington Science Focus; Lucia Mucchetti, Nottingham Elementary School; Annabelle O’Day, KW Barrett Elementary School; Leighton Richter, Long Branch Elementary School; Oliver Young, Tuckahoe Elementary School 

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Gemma Walsh, Tuckahoe Elementary School
Award of Excellence:  Nandini Kirwin, Montessori Public School of Arlington; Mihika Sinha, Zachary Taylor Elementary School; Dylan Walsh, Long Branch Elementary School; Jana Young, Jamestown Elementary School
Award of Merit:  Sana Agarwal, Arlington Science Focus; Emily Akerman, Key Elementary School; Suhani Desai, Discovery Elementary School; Farrell Hidayat, KW Barrett Elementary School; Nora Lyon, Ashlawn Elementary School; Sabrina Matus, McKinley Elementary School; Myla McNair, Nottingham Elementary School; Julian Navia, Arlington Traditional School; Sujoy Sarker, Peyton Randolph Elementary School; Aiden Smith, KW Barrett Elementary School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Tatiana Fedoseeva, Williamsburg Middle School
Award of Excellence:  Maya Bayat, Swanson Middle School
Award of Merit:  Angelina Alvarado, Gunston Middle School; Mailynn Nguyen, Thomas Jefferson Middle School; Bethany Panza, Kenmore Middle School  

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation:  Madeline Kenny, Washington-Liberty High School
Award of Excellence:  Juliet Gerensky-Greene, Wakefield High School
Award of Merit:  Lauren Puttock, Yorktown High School