APS News Release

APS Students Outperform State and Nation on 2018 SAT and ACT Scores

Yesterday, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) released the 2018 Virginia SAT Test Results, and earlier this month VDOE released the 2018 Virginia ACT Test Results. Results for both college admissions tests indicate that APS students continue to outperform their state and nationwide peers by significant margins. The combined SAT scores for Arlington’s 2018 graduates outpace the Virginia average by 81 points, and the national averages by 142 points. Similarly, while the overall average 2018 ACT composite scores of U.S. students was 20.4, and for Virginia students was 23.9, Arlington students surpassed their peers with average composite scores of 26.6.

“Congratulations to our students and recent graduates on their academic performance on the SAT and ACT tests. These are just one indication among the many ways we assess how well our students are prepared and ready for college, career or the path of their choice,” said APS Superintendent Dr. Patrick K. Murphy. “I also want to thank our incredible community of teachers, principals, families, volunteers and partners that surrounds and supports our students through their instructional journeys and beyond.”

Murphy continued, “While our students outperformed their peers across the state and nation in all demographic groups, the data also highlights the need to continue our work to expand and strengthen access to academic opportunities that foster success for all students. This is a key focus of the 2018-24 APS Strategic Plan, and SAT and ACT scores will be a meaningful measurement of how we are progressing in this area.” 

The SAT is taken by 68% of Arlington students, 38% took the ACT exams last year, and overall participation in either test was 79%.

SAT and ACT Data Tables (pdfs)

2018 SAT and ACT Test Results
Detailed SAT Results for APS Graduates (2017-18) are posted on the APS website. Note: The College Board revised the SAT in 2016 to better align the test with high school content standards and academic skills identified as important to success in college.

Detailed ACT Results for APS Graduates (2014-18) are also posted on the website.