APS News Release

Summary of Community Meeting on Education Center Instructional Focus

On Wed, Oct. 19, the community participated in a presentation and dialogue about the instructional focus options for the Education Center site and to provide their input.

The working group has narrowed possible considerations to four:

  • STEAM High School
  • Creative and Performing Arts High School
  • Early College
  • Expansion of Washington‐Lee to include additional International Baccalaureate seats

Background, information, analysis to date, and a description for each consideration are on the Engage website at,  aps2016.apsva.us/engage/education-center. A link to the livestream of the Oct. 18 community meeting, which outlined the process as well as some detail about the recommendations, along with an online questionnaire are also on the page. Input is being accepted through November 1.

The School Board is slated to hear a recommendation from staff regarding the educational focus of the 500-600 seats at the Education Center on November 2 and then approve a focus on November 14.