APS News Release

School Board Reviews Program Evaluation on Early Childhood Education

At last night’s meeting, staff presented information about the key findings and recommendations from the Early Childhood Education program evaluation. The evaluation’s key findings were that positive student outcomes are being achieved in kindergarten readiness measures as well as personal and social skills; observations of instruction show strong levels of emotional support and classroom organization; and parents report satisfaction with their child’s teachers, the registration process, and the level of engagement with school. Staff reported that recommendations include considering changes to Montessori before the program is relocated; enhancing professional development for teachers; and increasing supports to prepare all students for success. The full presentation is available in BoardDocs.


  • Update on Claremont Enrollment and Admissions: Staff provided an update on current enrollment projections for 2017-21, reviewed Policy 25-2.2 regarding criteria for admission, and outlined plans to maintain six kindergarten classes at Claremont for the 2017-18 school year.


  • Charge to Joint Advisory Committee on Transportation Choices –The School Board approved the charge to the Joint Advisory Committee on Transportation Choices. More information is available on BoardDocs.
  • Revision of School Board Policy 25-2.1 Cooperation with Juvenile Court: The School board approved a revision to the policy to align with changes in the Code of Virginia.


  • Revision of School Board Policy 35-3 Employment: Staff recommended changes to align language regarding protected classes for discrimination with Policy 35-4.4 Equal Employment Opportunity and updated citations to Virginia Department of Education regulations and the Code of Virginia.
  • Revision to Select Student Services School Board Policies: Staff recommended changes to Policy 25, which focuses on providing a safe, equitable, inclusive, respectful learning environment and supporting professional collaboration through partnerships with families and community. The proposed title of the policy is Return-to-Learn for Students Experiencing Traumatic Brain Injury, Other Medical or Psychological Illness, which aligns with the Code of Virginia.
  • Contract Award for Architecture and Engineering Services for the Career Center Expansion Project: Staff proposed a contract award in the amount of $343,435 to Stantec for the Master Plan Study funded from 2016 Bonds to be sold in later this spring.
  • Settlement Agreement with Emanco, LLC for Vacation of Alley Abutting School Board and Emanco LLC Property: Staff presented an agreement with Emanco LLC to vacate an alley that is necessary for construction of the new school on Wilson Boulevard.
  • Vacation Request Concerning an Alley Abutting School Board and Emanco LLC Property: Staff presented a request to vacate the alley extending into the Wilson property, adjacent to 7-11 and owned by Emanco LLC, that is necessary for construction of the new school on Wilson Boulevard.
  • Vacation Request Concerning Vacation of a Street Right of Way on 18th Street North: Staff presented a request to vacate a small section of right of way adjacent to 18th Street North that is necessary for construction of the new school on Wilson Boulevard.

APPOINTMENTS:The School Board approved the following staff appointments, effective immediately.

  • Mary Kathleen “Kathy” Olmsted, currently a teacher at Discovery Elementary School, will serve as the Interim Assistant Principal.
  • Wendy Pilch, currently Supervisor of Title I, will serve as Interim Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Education.

The School Board also approved the administrative transfer of Dr. Judith “Judy” Concha, from Assistant Principal at Discovery Elementary School to Assistant Principal at Barcroft Elementary School. This transfer is effective immediately.

The School Board recognized APS employees who were recognized as Fall 2016 Connect with Kids Champions, an awards program sponsored by the Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families. Kia Martin, the Director of the Williamsburg Middle School check-in program, was honored for her whole-child approach to caring for kids, building strong, uplifting and respectful relationships with them and engaging in activities they truly enjoy. Joe D’Emidio, gymnastics coach at Washington-Lee High School, has developed one of the school’s most winning teams. He was recognized for his willingness to welcome gymnasts of all abilities and keeping the focus on the experience, the fun, and personal growth of individuals on the team.

Citizens who want to comment on any of the items discussed at the School Board meeting should email the Board at school.board@apsva.us or call 703-228-6015. Citizens may call 703-228-2400 on the Monday after the School Board meetings to listen to a meeting summary. School Board meetings are also broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 70 and Verizon FiOS Channel 41; live-streamed on the APS website, and re-broadcast on Fridays at 9 p.m. and Mondays at 7:30 p.m. immediately following the meeting. All materials and minutes of the meeting will be posted to the website at aps2016.apsva.us/schoolboard upon School Board approval at a subsequent meeting.