APS News Release

School Board Presents Proposed FY 2020 Budget at Joint Work Session with County Board

Emphasizes Success of Long-Term Partnership and Need for Continued Investment in Schools, Programs and Services

On Fri, April 12, the School Board presented its Proposed FY 2020 Arlington Public Schools (APS) Budget during the County Board and School Board Joint Budget Work Session. School Board Chair Reid Goldstein presented a high-level overview of the budget process and the School Board’s proposed budget for the 2019-20 school year, adopted Thursday night.

APS planning began nearly a year ago in spring 2018 to shrink a historically high deficit of $42.8 million to its current level of $6.8 million through adjustments and efficiencies, Spring revenue and enrollment updates, strategic use of reserves, and reductions built into the Superintendent’s budget. The proposed budget totals $669,314,705, bringing the amount needed from the County to $6.8 million.

“We applaud the County’s focus on economic development and its historic support for high quality schools, which have helped make Arlington a sought-after place to live, work and learn,” said School Board Chair Reid Goldstein. “The proposed APS budget reflects substantial reductions already taken, as well as investments needed now to position APS for future growth and preserve quality programs and services next year and well into the future.”

Chairman Goldstein discussed enrollment projections through 2028 which forecast APS’s enrollment growing to over 34,000 students. He noted that APS is preparing to welcome an estimated 1,000 additional students in the fall of 2019. Additionally, in FY20, APS is projecting a student enrollment of 28,495 and a per pupil cost of $19,935.

Discussion by both Boards centered on projections, compensation for employees, diversity and a range of other topics as the County Board prepares to adopt its budget. To view the full presentation and discussion, visit the Arlington TV YouTube channel.

The County Board is expected to adopt their Budget on April 23. A Public Hearing on the School Board’s Proposed FY20 Budget is scheduled for May 7 with an additional work session, if needed, on May 2, with final adoption of the FY20 Budget on May 9. For more information, visit the APS Budget and Finance webpage.