APS News Release

School Board Names Interim Kenmore Principal

Dave McbrideJuly 20, 2016 — David McBride was named the interim Principal of Kenmore Middle School by the School Board at last night’s meeting. McBride currently serves as the assistant principal at Kenmore.

“Dave has spent his entire educational career with Arlington Public Schools,” said Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy. He continued, “Dave is a student-centered leader who believes in and supports the whole child model in his work with students, teachers, staff, and the community. Through his work, he has demonstrated a commitment to developing staff and engaging in leadership activities that support students and families. His ability to build relationships and shape a vision for academic success for all students by creating a climate of excellence will be an asset to Kenmore.”

With over 20 years of experience in education, McBride has been a middle school classroom teacher, English language arts specialist, and has been the assistant principal at Kenmore for the last nine years. He is known for being an approachable and dedicated leader. As a central office specialist and school-based administrator, McBride has experience and expertise in working with instructional teams to support teacher and staff development.

McBride holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from James Madison University, a Master of Arts from George Mason University and an Educational Specialist degree with an endorsement in Administration and Supervision from the University of Virginia.

His appointment begins July 21.