APS News Release

School Board Discusses Revised Virginia Graduation Requirements

At the Feb. 15 meeting, staff provided the School Board with an update on implementing the Virginia Department of Education’s (VDOE) revised graduation requirements.

The updated requirements maintain high expectations for learning English, math, science, and history/social science while reducing the number of Standards of Learning (SOL) tests required for each a high school diploma and implementing the “Profile of a Virginia Graduate.”

The graduation requirements for incoming freshmen in the fall of 2018, who will be graduating in 2022, will include:

  • Profile of a Virginia Graduate
  • The Five C’s: Critical thinking; creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and citizenship (community and civic responsibility)
  • Career Exploration and Planning, and
  • Standard and Verified Credits

The full report is available on BoardDocs. 


  • Superintendent’s 2017-18 Action Plan Update – Murphy updated the Board on other efforts underway on the action plan to support the Board’s work this year.
    • Elementary School Planning Initiative – Staff is working on Phase I with PTAs and Civic Associations to form School Task Groups for walk zone reviews. Beginning Feb. 20, staff will hold “Getting Started on Walk Zone Review” School Task Force Work Sessions. There will also be opportunities to provide input and as well as School Task Group walking tours.
    • Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY19-28 – The Board will hear a monitoring report on the Arlington Facilities and Student Accommodation Plan (AFSAP), projections and capacity utilization.

The public is invited to learn more, ask questions or comment on any of the action plan engagement initiatives that are underway by visiting aps2016.apsva.us/engage.

  • Human Resources Update – The Board reviewed an update on the efforts of the Dept. of Human Resources to recruit and retain high quality staff and increase staff diversity. The report also included an update on overall staff satisfaction. The full presentation is available online.


  • Revisions of Select School Board Policies (SBP) – Staff summarized proposed revisions to SBPs 35-4.1 Human Relations-Employee Assistance Program and 35-4.3 Workplace Violence. The proposed revisions are available online.
  • Final Design for Yorktown Internal Modifications – Staff presented the final design for internal modifications to Yorktown High School that would add an additional 310 seats to be completed by the Fall of 2018. The modifications would cost $4 million and be funded out of the Capital Reserves.
  • Determination to Use Construction Management Risk (CMR) Deliver Method for the Education Center Renovation – This directs students to use the CMR procurement method for the Education Center renovation. It also directs staff to begin the competitive negotiation selection process.
  • Randolph Window Replacement Phase 2 Contract Award – The Board is being asked to approve additional use of bond funding in the amount of $287,966 for Phase II of the Randolph Windows Replacement Project.
  • Contract Amendment for Construction Management Advisor (CMA) Services for the Abingdon Project – Staff is asking that the School Board approve the proposed contract amendment funded by the project’s contingency.

The School Board awarded a contract in the amount of $4,744,000 million to Shapiro and Duncan, Inc. for the modernization of Randolph Elementary School. The Board also approved the total project budget in the amount $6.2 million and approved the use of HVAC, Roofing and Infrastructure bond funds to fully fund the project. 


The Board made three appointments:

  • David McBride was appointed the Principal of Kenmore Middle School. He has served the interim principal since July 2016.
  • Sarah Putnam was named Director of Curriculum and Instruction; and
  • Donna Snyder was appointed Principal of Randolph Elementary School for an additional year.

As part of Black History Month celebrations, the Carlin Springs Elementary School chorus performed the African American National Anthem. Following the performance, the Board recognized students who were selected to different all-state ensembles.

Last week, APS celebrated School Counseling Week. To highlight the role of counselors, several elementary students shared what they have learned from their school counselors.

Finally, the Board congratulated Key Elementary School Principal Dr. Marjorie Myers who was the recent recipient of the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Isabel la Católica. The Officer’s Cross is an honor awarded to those who have made an extraordinary contribution to the relationship of friendship and cooperation between Spain and the American community.

Next School Board Meeting: 
The next School Board meeting will be held on Thu, Feb. 22 at 6:30 p.m. The agenda will be posted one week before the meeting on BoardDocs.   

For More Information
Citizens who want to comment on any of the items discussed at the School Board meeting should email the Board at school.board@apsva.us or call 703-228-6015. Citizens may call 703-228-2400 on the Monday after the School Board meetings to listen to a meeting summary. School Board meetings are also broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 70 and Verizon FiOS Channel 41; live-streamed on the APS website, and re-broadcast on Fridays at 9 p.m. and Mondays at 7:30 p.m. immediately following the meeting. All materials and minutes of the meeting will be posted to the website at aps2016.apsva.us/schoolboard upon School Board approval at a subsequent meeting.