APS News Release

Nominations Now Open for Virginia’s Most Outstanding Crossing Guard

Crossing Guard is AwesomeNominations Due January 25

State-wide Recognition Part of Crossing Guard Appreciation Week 2019
Planning is now under way for Crossing Guard Appreciation Week, the annual Virginia Safe Routes to School event that recognizes the role of Crossing Guards as a critical link in the Safe Routes to School network. APS elementary and middle schools will celebrate Crossing Guard Appreciation Week 2019 during the week of February 11-15.

As part of the celebration, the Virginia Department of Transportation/Safe Routes to School will recognize Virginia’s Most Outstanding Crossing Guards. Last year, Arlington’s own Almaz Abebe was one of six honorees state-wide thanks to nominations submitted by students, families, and staff at Kenmore Middle School. Nominations are now open for this year’s honors.

To honor our hard-working APS crossing guards as part of Crossing Guard Appreciation Week 2019, APS elementary and middle school students, families and staff are encouraged to:

Nominate your school Crossing Guard(s) for recognition as Virginia’s Most Outstanding
Nominations for Virginia’s Most Outstanding Crossing Guard opened December 1 and close on Fri, Jan. 25, 2019. Nominations may be submitted using this simple Nomination Form. There is no limit to the number of nominations submitted on behalf of a Crossing Guard, but each nomination must include a photo of the Crossing Guard in action. HINT: According to VDOT Safe Routes to School reviewers, nominations that tell a story, share a special moment, and/or feature student quotes and testimonials stand out!

Make plans to celebrate Crossing Guard Appreciation Week 2019 in February
Ideas for how your school can celebrate are available in the Safe Routes to School guide entitled Crossing Guard Appreciation Day Learn It. Do It. Live It guide. Flyers, posters, graphics, stickers, cards and other resources to help promote Crossing Guard Appreciation are available on the Virginia Safe Routes to School website.For more information on Crossing Guard Appreciation Week and the call for Outstanding Crossing Guard nominations, please contact APS Safe Routes to School Coordinator Lauren Hassel at lauren.hassel@apsva.us.

About Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
Safe Routes to School events like Crossing Guard Appreciation Day promote healthy lifestyles among students by encouraging them to walk or bike to school. More activity means healthier kids. Events like these emphasize ways to make the daily trip to school safe and fun. When young people walk or bike to school, they have time to socialize, build community, and get to know their neighborhood. And with more students on foot, traffic around schools is reduced.

About the Virginia Safe Routes to School Program
The Virginia Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School Program assists interested localities and schools in the development of plans, activities, and infrastructure improvements to make bicycling and walking to school a safe and appealing transportation option for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. For more information, visit www.virginiadot.org/saferoutes.