Celebrating School Social Workers

Picture8 Our APS social workers make a difference to strengthen school-family partnerships, share resources and promote constructive, positive behavior and mental health. They are a diverse, highly skilled team that is 35 percent bilingual with expertise in mental health, family systems, assessment, and knowledge of county resources. All hold at least Master’s and half of our social workers are Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW). They are all experts at addressing student needs and providing the resources needed to overcome barriers that interfere with student success.

APS School Social Workers:

  • Strengthen family-school partnerships
  • Help families find the resources they need in the community
  • Promote positive behavior and mental health
  • Help students develop coping skills
  • Work with students and families to promote good attendance
  • Serve on the Special Education team
  • Offer crisis intervention as needed

Social workers are vital to APS and they bring so many skills to their work – they truly do let students know they are seen and heard, they are trusted adults, licensed mental health professionals and advocates who help address barriers to learning.