School Board news release

Superintendent Presents Draft 2018-19 School Year Calendar

At the opening of last night’s School Board meeting, the School Board members read a joint statement to reaffirm its mission to welcome, educate and support all students in the community.

Statement from the Arlington School Board

The first two weeks of the 2018 New Year have been filled with a wide array of conversations about immigration, diversity and respect.

Declaración De La Junta Escolar De Arlington

Las dos primeras semanas del Año Nuevo 2018 han estado llenas de una amplia gama de conversaciones sobre inmigración, diversidad y respeto.

School Board Reviews Next Steps for Several Upcoming Capital Projects

At last night’s School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy presented information on capital projects that are underway to accommodate growing student enrollment. The School Board also appointed Catharina Genove as principal of the new Montessori school.