APS News Release

Arlington School Board Addresses Election Results

At last night’s meeting, School Board Chair Nancy Van Doren and immediate past chair Dr. Emma Violand-Sanchez addressed the results of the election and how APS and the Arlington community need to come together.

Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy also discussed that staff support that has been and will continue to be available for students since the day after the elections. To watch the video, click here.

Remarks by Chair Nancy Van Doren on behalf of the School Board
The last week has been tumultuous and has left many members of our community, our nation, unsettled and worried. As members of the Arlington community, we must support and care for each other in these changing times. Our actions and our words matter right now, not just for ourselves but for our children, our students.

It is at this moment that we remind ourselves of our strong Constitution, laws and traditions. Despite differences, our leaders are making smooth transitions of power at the local, state, and national level. Our republic is the model for countless other nations. For this, we are very, very proud to be Americans and elected officials in this great Country.

As your elected Arlington School Board, we remind ourselves and recommit ourselves to our Mission, Vision, and Core Values as stated in School Board Policy 10-1. This policy is the result of the work of many school boards, over many decades. Its tenets are a strong Arlington tradition. It defines us. Our unwavering commitment to this mission and these values is what makes our school system great and strengthens Arlington’s wonderful, inclusive and incredibly successful community. Our schools are Arlington’s gem. It is in our halls, our classrooms, and our playing fields where we demonstrate these dearly held values and mold and develop our children, our future.

Tonight on behalf of the entire school board, I remind all of us of Arlington Public Schools Mission, Vision, and Values:

MISSION: Arlington Public Schools instills a love of learning in its students and prepares them to be responsible and productive global citizens.

VISION: Arlington Public Schools is a diverse and inclusive school community, committed to academic excellence and integrity. We provide instruction in a caring, safe and healthy learning environment, responsive to each student, in collaboration with families and the community.

CORE VALUES: Arlington Public Schools fosters excellence in our students and staff. We expect our students and staff to act in an honest, ethical and respectful manner. We value all students, staff and families in our diverse, inclusive school community. We support relationships among students, staff, families and the community that ensure effective communication and promote opportunities to benefit our students. We take responsibility for our progress through transparent evaluation of student success, staff quality and management of the community’s resources. We practice stewardship of economic and environmental resources, meeting our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

As a School Board, in Policy 10.10, on Conduct, we as Board members commit ourselves to operating with integrity, honesty, and respect for all members of our community. In Policy 10-13 on Human Relations, we commit ourselves to fostering an educational environment designed to respect all individuals regardless of race, national origin, creed, color, religion, gender, age, economic status, sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity or expression, and/or disability.

As individual Board members and as a unified Board, we stand firmly behind these policies and our school system’s practices to value and support all our students, families, and staff. We will continue to ensure our system provides the greatest opportunities for success for all children who enter our doors.

Comments by Dr. Emma Violand-Sanchez

After the election and after talking with students, parents, who were in tears and afraid given the threats to their community, I believe that there is the need of healing and support to our students and families. We need to come together as a community.

My hope is that our bonds of community will be strong, welcoming and our respect to our diverse community will be enhanced. I ask for us to be in solidarity with all vulnerable members of our community. Let’s support those who feel persecuted and rejected due to their immigration status, religion, race, and gender.

We must come together in our schools and community by modeling inclusiveness, equality and social justice. I ask for healing and wholeness in our community, our nation and the world.

Let’s move forward with hope, compassion and love.