APS News Release

Arlington County Council of PTAs Announced 2016-17 Reflections Winners

Earlier this week, the Arlington County Council of PTAs announced the winners of the 2016-17 Reflections contest. This year’s theme was “What’s your story?”

Reflections is designed to spur students to create works in musical composition, literature, visual arts, photography, dance choreography, and film/video production, based on the theme. All students from prekindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to enter.

One winner from each category and age division is selected as Outstanding Interpretation of the Theme and are entered into competition in the NorthernVirginia District PTA. The contest continues at the state and national levels. 

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Audrey Portner, Nottingham Elementary
Award of Excellence: Delaney Stein, Long Branch Elementary
Award of Merit: Mira Shomali, Jamestown Elementary; Myriam La, Tuckahoe Elementary

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Naomi Galotto,
Arlington Traditional School Award of Excellence: Eva Hofmann, Claremont Immersion Elementary
Award of Merit: Ananya Sinha, McKinley Elementary;
Sawyer Frederick, Key Elementary; Grace Fettig, Discovery Elementary; Genevieve Gruver,Arlington Science Focus Elementary; Grace Joseffer, Nottingham Elementary; Marney Shattuck, Zachary Taylor Elementary  

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Audrey Na, Nottingham Elementary
Award of Excellence: Riley McFarren, McKinley Elementary; Aiden O’Connell, Discovery Elementary; Celeste Plowman, Oakridge Elementary

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Abbey Shumsky, Taylor Elementary School; Cecilia Berger, Drew Model School
Award of Excellence: James Jacobs, Arlington Traditional School; Sierra Plowman, Oakridge Elementary; Kate Floom, Tuckahoe Elementary
Award of Merit: Connor Rogers, McKinley Elementary; George Allen, Jamestown Elementary; Jack McNair, Nottingham Elementary; Mason Schnell, Key School; Elliot McCabe, Barcroft Elementary; Layla Eisenberg, Long Branch; Naya Chopra, Arlington Science Focus

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Lindsay Glaccum, Williamsburg Middle School
Award of Excellence: Braxton Breed, Swanson Middle School
Award of Merit: Hope Maobelem, Thomas Jefferson Middle

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Maeve Cantwell, Washington-Lee High School   

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Lena Sullivan, Barcroft Elementary; Ananda Taggart, Arlington Science Focus
Award of Excellence: Emerson McDonald, Arlington Traditional
Award of Merit: Eva Levine, Tuckahoe Elementary; Nate Wilson, Discovery Elementary; Caroline Miller, McKinley Elementary 

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Kira Kettler, McKinley Elementary; David Galotto, Arlington Traditional
Award of Excellence: Sophia Braier, Key Elementary;  Aubrey Piehota, Patrick Henry Elementary; Aida Young, Nottingham Elementary;
Award of Merit: Alexis Liebert, Arlington Science Focus; Mia Dimina, Tuckahoe Elementary; Jonah Treitler, Discovery Elementary; Ananya Mazumdar, Oakridge Elementary 

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Ari Alexis, Swanson Middle
Award of Excellence: Anuj Khemka, Thomas Jefferson Middle
Award of Merit: Persia Zurita, Gunston Middle; Claudia Wanat, Williamsburg Middle School 

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Cassia Block, Washington-Lee High School

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Andrew Yoo, Claremont Immersion; Luna Candon, Arlington Traditional School
Award of Excellence: Anisha Veeraraghavan, Tuckahoe Elementary; Heath Miller, McKinley Elementary; Kaia Thompson, Key School
Award of Merit: Yara Shomali, Arlington Science Focus; Alexander Kerr, K.W. Barrett; Peyton Johnson, Discovery Elementary; Abby Taylor, Jamestown Elementary; Avaani Jolly, Nottingham Elementary; Mihika Sinha, Zachary Taylor Elementary; Quinn Hampton, Long Branch

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Thomas Lee, Arlington Traditional School; Nicola Beaumont, Taylor Elementary School
Award of Excellence: Gabriela Reecer, Claremont Immersion; Daisy Maxwell, Arlington Science Focus; Carsten Polestak, Long Branch; Trevor Green, K.W. Barrett
Award of Merit: Elina Coutlakis, Discovery Elementary; Quinn Ferguson; Oakridge Elementary; Olivia Plimpton, McKinley Elementary; Ilaya Teensma, Ashlawn Elementary; Amelia Lucien, Jamestown Elementary; Evelyn Kaplowitz, Nottingham Elementary; TJ Schultz, Tuckahoe Elementary; Marina Cura, Key School; Danita Ayele, Barcroft Elementary

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Abigail Burkholder, Kenmore Middle School; Charlotte Papacosma, Gunston Middle School
Award of Excellence: Daniella Efrach, Swanson Middle School; William Voigt, Williamsburg Middle School; Fiona Williams, Thomas Jefferson Middle

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Carolyn Bradley, Washington-Lee High School
Award of Excellence: Sarah Murphy, Yorktown High School

Special Artist

Outstanding Interpretation: Noel Bensaid, Swanson Middle School  Photography

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Audrey Portner, Nottingham Elementary
Award of Excellence: Constantine Bezas, Arlington Traditional School; Caleb Havert, McKinley Elementary
Award of Merit: Claire O’Sullivan, Discovery Elementary; Sami Wiriyotin, Patrick Henry Elementary; Ella Smith, Ashlawn Elementary; Christopher Wald, Jamestown Elementary

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Lucas Candon, Arlington Traditional School; Luke Han, Oakridge Elementary
Award of Excellence: Hannah Portner, Nottingham Elementary; Will Trimmer, Jamestown Elementary; Genevieve Gruver, Arlington Science Focus
Award of Merit: Julia Haughery, Discovery Elementary; Marlena Trimble, Patrick Henry Elementary; Lucas Tolentino, Barcroft Elementary; Dominique Dubras, McKinley Elementary; Rachel Conley, Taylor Elementary School; Ines Kapur, Key School; Michael Servidio, Long Branch

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Joey Servidio, Thomas Jefferson Middle
Award of Excellence: Aleksandar Olic, Williamsburg Middle School
Award of Merit: Sarah Bolles, Gunston Middle School; Kate Mulvaney, Swanson Middle School; McCarley Keish, Kenmore Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Foster Gray, Washington-Lee High School
Award of Excellence: Sydney Darko, Wakefield HS
Award of Merit: Carson Wood, Yorktown High School

Special Artist

Outstanding Interpretation: Houston Burnside, Arlington Traditional School   

Visual Arts
Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Ella Engelhardt, K.W. Barrett; Sean Blakeway, Long Branch; Ariana Losos, Arlington Science Focus
Award of Excellence: Joseph Miller, Arlington Traditional School; Peter Sheeney, Claremont Immersion; Elena Siyluy, Key School; Charles Thomson, Drew Model School
Award of Merit: Nate Wilson, Discovery Elementary; Daniela Bereket, Patrick Henry Elementary; Claire Martin, Oakridge Elementary; Audrey Fortner, McKinley Elementary; Laila Patt, Ashlawn Elementary; Mira Shomali, Jamestown Elementary; Lauren Jeffrey, Nottingham Elementary; Nora Elder, Taylor Elementary School; Alisha Oberoi, Tuckahoe Elementary; Hildana Ayele, Barcroft Elementary

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)|
Outstanding Interpretation: Nathaniel Birdsall, Jamestown Elementary
Award of Excellence: Katie King, Arlington Science Focus; Gabriella Moore, Patrick Henry Elementary; Tanya Fedoseeva, Tuckahoe Elementary;
Award of Merit: Dylan Myers, Claremont Immersion; Madeline Wilson, Discovery Elementary; Adriana Bautista, Claremont Immersion; Ian Kunkle, K.W. Barrett; Sierra Plowman, Oakridge Elementary; Eldana Getachew, Hoffman-Boston; Alexandra Arispe, Peyton Randolph Elementry; Rachel Dickerson, McKinley Elementary; Helonna Freeman, Ashlawn Elementary; Anna Duke, Nottingham Elementary; Valerie Engel, Taylor Elementary; Antonae Woods, Key School; Macy Jordan, Arlington Traditional School; Judy Adam, Barcroft Elementary; Eva Hofmann, Long Branch

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Grace Douglas, Williamsburg Middle School
Award of Excellence: Annaliese Dubras, Swanson Middle School
Award of Merit: Laura Rapazzo, Thomas Jefferson Middle; Finn Travers, Gunston Middle School; Lauren Puttock, Kenmore Middle School  

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Ash Martinez, Wakefield HS Award of Excellence: Dominick Cocozza, Yorktown High School
Award of Merit: Sierra Randolph, Washington-Lee High School

Special Artist

Outstanding Interpretation: Flora Gutowski, Long Branch Elementary