APS News Release

Arlington County Council of PTAs Announced the 2020-21 Reflections Winners

Last week, the Arlington County Council of Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) announced the 2020-21 Reflections contest winners at the county level.

Reflections is a nationwide contest and arts promotion program that encourages students to create works in dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts, based on a common theme. This year’s theme was “I Matter Because…” All students from prekindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to enter.

The top winner from each category and age division is selected as “Outstanding Interpretation of the Theme” and goes on to compete in the Northern Virginia District PTA contest. The program continues at the state and national levels.  For questions, please e-mail April Maddox at ccptareflections@gmail.com.

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Sophia Mui-Welch, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Excellence: Camila Tajuddin, Key Elementary School
Award of Merit: Surya Pratheek Killi, Hoffman-Boston Elementary School

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Maeve Meeker, Jamestown Elementary School
Award of Excellence: Lila Voigt, Zachary Taylor Elementary School
Award of Merit: Charlotte Na, Nottingham Elementary School; Sajni Desai, Discovery Elementary School; Inara Tajuddin, Key Elementary School; Catherine Kelly, Arlington County Montessori; Julia Alex, Arlington Traditional School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Anya Jolly, Williamsburg Middle School
Award of Excellence: Anna Brodsky, Dorothy Hamm Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Grace Fettig, Yorktown High School

Special Artists Division (Grades K through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Elizabeth Pazdalski, McKinley Elementary School

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Eloisa “Ella” Wright, Key Elementary School
Award of Excellence: Theo Whiteman, McKinley Elementary School
Award of Merit: Jules Johnson, Arlington County Montessori

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Mason Mirabile, Discovery Elementary School
Award of Excellence: Audrey Na, Nottingham Elementary School; Nandini Kirwin, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Merit: Mira Shomali, Arlington Science Focus; Inara Tajuddin, Key Elementary School; Elizabeth Le, K.W. Barrett Elementary School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Coral De la Cruz-Novey, Gunston Middle School
Award of Excellence: Helena Connel, Williamsburg Middle School
Award of Merit: Vedica Chudiwale, Dorothy Hamm Middle School

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Surya Pratheek Killi, Hoffman-Boston Elementary School
Award of Excellence: Johanna Yin-Yue Chow, Arlington Traditional School; Valentina McCoy, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Merit: Lucia Mucchetti, Nottingham Elementary School, Jack Guthrie, Discovery Elementary School; Justin Dame, K.W. Barrett Elementary School

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Alexander Kerr, K.W. Barrett Elementary School
Award of Excellence: Siddharth Ghosh, Nottingham Elementary School; Alexander Murphy, McKinley Elementary School; Evelyn Rich, Key Elementary School; Malia Luckett, Zachary Taylor Elementary School
Award of Merit: Charlotte Goldwater, Claremont Immersion Elementary School; Mira Shomali, Arlington Science Focus; Maeve Meeker, Jamestown Elementary School; Eliana Villwock, Discovery Elementary School; Risa Benson, Arlington Traditional School; Ella Engelhardt, Arlington County Montessori; Kiersten Palwuk, Tuckahoe Elementary School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Nadia Lachhab, Dorothy Hamm Middle School
Award of Excellence: Evelyn Rives, Gunston Middle School
Award of Merit: Nora Lyon, Swanson Middle School; Jaha Shah, Williamsburg Middle School; Faith Schmitt, Kenmore Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Charlotte Papacosma, Wakefield High School

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Johanna Yin-Yue Chow, Arlington Traditional School
Award of Excellence: Natalia Castro-Arias, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Merit: Cecilia Cooke, Claremont Immersion; Hannah Gunter, Nottingham Elementary School; Jackson Wamsley, Jamestown Elementary School

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Audrey Na, Nottingham Elementary School;
Award of Excellence: Laura Santos, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Merit: Keeley Gardner, McKinley Elementary School; Viviana Gallardo-Velez, Discovery Elementary School; Estella Woodyard, Key Elementary School; Nicholas Smoyer, Arlington Traditional School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Angelina Alvarado, Gunston Middle School
Award of Excellence: Kate Floom, Williamsburg Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Clara Crawford, Wakefield High School

Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Cormac Jackson, McKinley Elementary School
Award of Excellence: Henry Costello, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Merit: Parker Goldwater, Claremont Immersion; Lucia Mucchetti, Nottingham Elementary School; Surya Pratheek Killi, Hoffman-Boston Elementary School

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Nandini Kirwin, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Excellence: Charlie Morrison, McKinley Elementary School; Mason Mirabile, Discovery Elementary School
Award of Merit: Mira Shomali, Arlington Science Focus; Avaani Jolly, Nottingham Elementary School; Oliver Saltiel, Arlington Traditional School; Lorenzo Hardin, Key Elementary School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Anna Brodsky, Dorothy Hamm Middle School
Award of Excellence: Myriam La, Williamsburg Middle School
Award of Merit: Miles Wright, Gunston Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Meijin Patil, Wakefield High School

Visual Arts
Primary Division (Kindergarten through Grade 2)
Outstanding Interpretation: Sebastian Chung, Arlington Science Focus
Award of Excellence: Claire Cocker, Jamestown Elementary School; Annabelle Headd, McKinley Elementary School; Ashley Cuthbertson, Discovery Elementary School; Julian Gobena, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Merit: Ella Marwaha, Claremont Immersion; Morgan Oliver, Nottingham Elementary School; Aubrey Labady, Key Elementary School; Malina Abraham-Essam, Arlington Traditional School; Adam El Aachaouch, Hoffman-Boston Elementary School

Intermediate Division (Grades 3 through 5)
Outstanding Interpretation: Miles Gobena, Arlington County Montessori
Award of Excellence: Claire Oliver, Nottingham Elementary School; Paige Burns, Jamestown Elementary School; Charlie Whiteman, McKinely Elementary School; Ayanna Sahu, Arlington Traditional School
Award of Merit: Nina Poris, Claremont Immersion; Molly Keng, Arlington Science Focus; Reagan Whitesell, Discovery Elementary School; Aidan Kunkle, K.W. Barrett Elementary School; Margaret Nelson, Zachary Taylor Elementary School

Middle School Division (Grades 6 through 8)
Outstanding Interpretation: Matthew Van Sice, Williamsburg Middle School
Award of Excellence: Stella Jones, Kenmore Middle School
Award of Merit: Madison Thomas, Swanson Middle School; Skylar Gregory, Dorothy Hamm Middle School

High School Division (Grades 9 through 12)
Outstanding Interpretation: Lily Odenwelder, Washington-Liberty High School