APS News Release

APS & Arlington County Seeking Feedback on Race & Equity Through Community Questionnaire

Arlington Public Schools, in partnership with Arlington County and Challenging Racism, is requesting students and families complete the Perspectives on Race and Equity in Arlington Community Questionnaire. The community questionnaire is part of Arlington County’s new Dialogues on Race & Equity (DRE) Initiative and broader commitment to improve racial equity in Arlington.

DRE includes a series of virtual community conversations with individuals, nonprofit organizations, civic associations, faith-based organizations, and businesses to learn about and address how Arlington can become a more equitable place for all residents and businesses.

In an effort to gauge the community’s perspective on race and equity in Arlington, the community is asked to provide feedback through a community questionnaire. The questionnaire’s responses will help to understand potential areas of opportunities for advancing race and equity in the community.

The responses to the questionnaire will be incorporated into the Arlington County Strategic Plan and will be used by APS to determine how to improve racial equity in schools. Once the questionnaire closes, the responses will be shared at an Arlington County Board Meeting in January and posted on the APS website.

Students and families are encouraged to complete the community questionnaire to provide feedback on the systemic race and equity issues in the Arlington community based on their individual experiences, backgrounds, insights, opinions, and beliefs about race and equity. The community questionnaire is available online until Thursday, December 31. If you are interested in completing the questionnaire, please visit the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G9YWWP9.

Additional information on the Perspectives on Race and Equity in Arlington Community Questionnaire and DRE community conversations is available on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion webpage under the community engagement tab.