APS News Release

APS Announces the Black Parent Alliance Fall Meeting

The APS Office of Equity & Excellence will host the first Black Parent Alliance Meeting of the new school year at Gunston Middle School on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2019 from 6 – 8:30 p.m. Childcare will be available during the meeting for children ages 3 to 10. At this meeting, a variety of workshops and resources will be available to meet the needs of families with students in all grade levels. All are welcome to attend the meeting.

The Black Parent Alliance is a quarterly meeting for APS parents to discuss relevant topics concerning families, learn about resources and supports APS provides to bolster student success, receive pertinent information to make informed decisions that affect their children, and increase parent engagement in their child’s education to improve educational outcomes while reducing opportunity gaps. The following workshops (workshop descriptions) and resources will be offered for families at this meeting:

  • Executive Management: Skills of Self-Management
  • Preparing for AP Classes: Behaviors, Attitudes, and Expectations
  • Prepping Your Child for In-Demand Careers in IT
  • Math Workshop: The Task & Share Structure
  • Standards-Based Grading in Elementary
  • EIP: George Mason University Early Identification Process
  • Intro to Naviance: A College & Career Planning Tool
  • Annual Online Verification Process Assistance
  • Gifted Services
  • High School Mathematics Pathways Q&A
  • Funbotics
  • Cubscouts

If you are interested in attending, please visit the following link to register for the meeting: https://oeemeetoct16.eventbrite.com.

For additional information or questions about this event, please contact Equity & Excellence Specialist Jennifer Gross at 703-228-8628 or jennifer.gross@apsva.us.