
#digitalAPS Highlights Hour of Code

In this episode, #digitalAPS: Exploring Instructional Frontiers takes a look at student participation in the global Hour of Code event that took place in December.

Digital Resource Fair Featured on #digitalAPS

In this episode of #digitalAPS: Exploring Instructional Frontiers, teachers explore how technology can support the individual needs of learners at the digital resource fair.

#digitalAPS Showcases Arlington Student Film Fest

In this episode, #digitalAPS: Exploring Instructional Frontiers talks with H-B Woodlawn fine theater and film teacher Thomas Mallan and the participants of the Arlington Student Film Fest. Now in its […]

#digitalAPS Chronicles Sarajevo Music Project

In this episode, #digitalAPS: Exploring Instructional Frontiers chronicles the role technology played in enriching The Sevdah Commission Project. This project was a collaboration between three APS music teachers and resulted […]

#digitalAPS Features Jefferson’s TECHGirls

In this episode, #digitalAPS: Exploring Instructional Frontiers talks with Jefferson Middle School students who are part of the school’s TECHGirls club. TJ TECHGirls is an after-school, girls group geared toward […]