PRC Messages

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: September 27, 2021

Good evening!  Don’t miss this week’s session with Dr. Erin Berman – who will present on Worry and Anxiety in Children and Youth at 7pm on Tuesday, September 28th. Dr. Berman […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 9.20.21

September 20, 2021 Good afternoon. We hope everyone had a great weekend, and enjoyed the slightly cooler mornings and evenings. The Parent Resource Center is excited to launch our first […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 9.13.21

September 13, 2021 Good morning! We hope that all of our families are settling back into school routines, and are looking forward to the 3rd week of school. As classes […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 9.6.21

We hope everyone had a terrific first week of school, and that the extended weekend is providing opportunities for recreation and relaxation. Please find below an abbreviated Monday Message, along […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 8.30.21

Monday, August 30, 2021 Welcome Back to school! After a very unique period, we join in the excitement of our students, parents, colleagues and supervisors in welcoming Arlington Public Schools […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: August 23, 2021

Greetings from the team at your Parent Resource Center (PRC)! We hope you’ve all been enjoying a happy and healthy summer with your family. For families new to Arlington Public […]

Parent Resource Center Weekly Message: 6.18.21

June 18, 2021 The team at the PRC extends congratulations to all APS graduates, and to all students, families and staff for pulling together during an incredibly challenging year. As […]

Parent Resource Center Weekly Message: June 8, 2021

June 8, 2021 Good afternoon. As we plan for parent learning and programming next year, we’d greatly appreciate hearing from our parent community about what types of sessions and resources […]

Parent Resource Center Weekly Message: 6.1.21

June 1, 2021 Recovery Services Questions? See Recovery Services section below. Happy June, everyone! It always seems astounding when we reach the final month of school each year. As we look […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 5.24.21

    May 24, 2021 Good afternoon! We are very much looking forward to virtually welcoming Ann Dolin back to Arlington Public Schools this evening. Ann is a dynamic and […]