Young Scholars Model

Young Scholars Infographic

The Young Scholars (YS) model is designed to find and nurture advanced academic potential in students from historically underrepresented populations in gifted education.

The model has four essential components:

  Committed Professionals

  • Leadership of school principals
  • Collaboration among teachers and specialists
  • Advocates for Young Scholars
  • Observations/Conversations
  • Performance Assessments
  • Portfolios of Learning 
  • Nonverbal Ability Tests
  • Standard Achievement Tests
  Nurture, Guide, and Support
  • Cluster Youngs Scholars
  • Culturally responsive teaching 
  • Challenging and engaging curricular experiences
  • Pair with Teachers who have high expectations 
  • Flexible grouping and ongoing assessments
 Essential Elements
  • Ongoing professional development for teachers
  • Differentiated curriculum and instruction for advanced learners
  • Parent/guardian involvement and support

Although Young Scholars began in Title I schools ,there are Young Scholars in every school. The intentional focus around the three As: ACCESS, AFFIRMATION & ADVOCACY guide this work with curricular interventions and ongoing opportunities with support provided through the collaboration of the classroom teacher and the Resource Teacher for the Gifted. As students’ progress through elementary and secondary school, support and opportunities for accessing gifted services and rigorous, engaging opportunities are provided by school staff. Cultural responsive teaching, equity in access and services and finding and nurturing Young Scholars work simultaneously to shift mindsets to strength based teaching rather than deficit thinking.