
Virtual@APS is different from our K-12 Virtual Learning Program. Please visit the VLP site for more information on that program.

Arlington Public Schools Virtual@APS, Arlington Public Schools’ virtual learning program, began by offering one locally produced course in 1993. Today, APS Virtual Learning has grown to support many classes and over 5,000 students. Participating students are offered choices between locally produced classes taught by master teachers from Arlington or those taught entirely in a virtual instructional setting through an approved third-party vendor. Virtual@APS supports initiatives and curricula that offer students, staff and community the opportunity to participate in courses and professional development.

How to be a Successful Virtual/Online Student

Steps to Succeed in Virtual/Online Courses

Take advantage of “anytime, anyplace, or any pace” learning

The virtual/online classroom gives you the chance to take more or less time. It also allows you the chance to choose when to give it your full concentration. Those that use this to their advantage will find the online classroom conducive to being highly successful.

Be Self-Motivated and Self-Disciplined

With the freedom of “anytime, anyplace, or any pace” comes the responsibility. You have to make sure you log in daily, or according to a consistent schedule. You should plan to dedicate 5-6 hours per week to working in your online class.

Ask Questions

A successful virtual/online student must take advantage of opportunities within discussions, office hours, and planned webinars to pose questions. If you aren’t sure what you are expected to do, you should always ask.

Actively Participate in Class Discussions

Your virtual/online class will give you an opportunity to share your thoughts, your feelings, and even your own personal experiences. This sharing goes a long way to having a more meaningful learning experience.


Additional information on how to be successful can be found at:

Student Success Flyer provided by Virtual Virginia

Daily To-Do List provided by Virtual Virginia