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APS Strategic Plan Strategies

strategic plan logoThe 25 Strategic Plan Strategies are the vital few methods we will use to improve our most critical areas of focus. Each strategy will help to realize the desired outcomes of our Strategic Plan. Since each strategy can have a positive impact on multiple desired outcomes, we are providing an interactive tool to explore the integrations of the APS Strategic Plan.


Student Success

  • Embed the 5Cs (critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship skills) into curriculum and instruction. (S-SS-1)
  • Deliver curriculum through innovative and relevant instruction that is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of each student. (S-SS-2)
  • Provide learning opportunities in a variety of settings, times, and formats that include opportunities for students to align knowledge, skills, and personal interests with career and higher educational opportunities including internships and externships. (S-SS-3)
  • Address unconscious racial bias by implementing implicit bias training throughout APS. (S-SS-3)

Student Well-Being

  • Integrate culturally relevant concepts and practices into all levels of school interactions. (S-SWB-1)
  • Establish and promote a culture of physical, social, emotional, and mental health wellness. (S-SWB-2)
  • Implement an evidence-based curriculum that focuses on students’ physical, social, emotional, and mental health needs. (S-SWB-3)
  • Ensure all students can identify at least one school-based adult who supports and encourages their academic and personal growth. (S-SWB-4)
  • Establish systematic, proactive, and positive strategies, interventions, and Restorative Justice practices that support student learning and well-being in all areas involving student conduct. (S-SWB-5)
  • Increase co-taught sections of courses and classes to support the inclusion of students. (S-SWB-6)

Engaged Workforce

  • Recruit, retain, and advance high-quality employees. (S-EW-1)
  • Provide growth opportunities by implementing a competency-based professional learning and evaluation framework inclusive of all staff members. (S-EW-2)
  • Grow and develop current and future high-quality leader/managers. (S-EW-3)
  • Develop integrated approaches that promote employee health and wellness. (S-EW-4)
  • Establish intentional and focused recruitment and retention efforts to bolster a diverse workforce. (S-EW-5)
  • Ensure leader/managers have access to high-quality workforce data. (S-EW-6)

Operational Excellence

  • Manage available resources equitably. (S-OE-1)
  • Provide high-performance learning and working environments that support Universal Design for Learning standards. (S-OE-2)
  • Identify and redesign or eliminate inefficient services. (S-OE-3)
  • Use long-term and systematic processes to ensure academics and operations are financially sustainable. (S-OE-4)
  • Systematically improve the quality of organizational operations. (S-OE-5)


  • Provide training and resources for staff and families to create meaningful partnerships that support student success and well-being. (S-P-1)
  • Partner with local, state, and national businesses, organizations, and governments to support a variety of learning experiences. (S-P-2)
  • Partner with advisory committees, nonprofits, and other local organizations to strengthen engagement with all families and provide wrap-around services to students including healthcare, nutrition, academic, and social and emotional supports. (S-P-3)
  • Build a comprehensive structure for defining strategic partnerships, setting expectations, monitoring performance, and measuring quality. (S-P-4)

Student SuccessEmbed the 5Cs (critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship skills) into curriculum and instruction. (S-SS-1)

Critical and creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship skills are essential for success in today’s global society. The APS curriculum is designed to build these skills in key subjects, such as English, language arts, mathematics, science, history, government, civics/economics, health & physical education, world languages, and the arts. Implementation of the APS curriculum will provide students access to standards, resources, and assessments that support relevant and engaging instruction for all students while fostering student growth in the 5C’s.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Ensure that every student is challenged and engaged while providing multiple pathways for student success by broadening opportunities, building support systems, and eliminating barriers. APS will eliminate opportunity gaps so all students achieve excellence.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students apply critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity in all subject areas.
  • Students earn passing scores on AP and IB exams.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Student SuccessDeliver curriculum through innovative and relevant instruction that is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of each student. (S-SS-2)

 APS utilizes effective instructional approaches that are adapted to meet the unique needs of all students. The curriculum (what we teach) and strategies (how we instruct) provide students with multiple opportunities to demonstrate their understanding, make connections, be creative, and experience individual success.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Ensure that every student is challenged and engaged while providing multiple pathways for student success by broadening opportunities, building support systems, and eliminating barriers. APS will eliminate opportunity gaps so all students achieve excellence.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students achieve at the level of their peers, irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender, home or native language, disability, special learning needs, economic background, or other factors that should not be predictors of success.
  • Students master the foundational skills of reading, writing, and mathematics.
  • Students achieve or exceed standards on proficiency and readiness assessments by grade level and subject area (reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies).
  • Students experience at least one level of growth each year.
  • Students apply critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity in all subject areas.
  • Students earn passing scores on AP and IB exams.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Student SuccessProvide learning opportunities in a variety of settings, times, and formats that include opportunities for students to align knowledge, skills, and personal interests with career and higher educational opportunities including internships and                              externships. (S-SS-3)

Students have unique learning needs and personal interests. Providing a variety of learning environments helps ensure that students have options to meet their needs and pursue their interests. APS is working to provide a wide range of career and technical education courses and work-based learning opportunities for students to explore career paths aligned with student interest and the business and industry demands of the community. Work based learning opportunities are provided through internships and externships with local businesses, organizations and industry professionals.  To further student education in career fields beyond high school opportunities will also be developed with post secondary institutions in the area for dual enrollment, research and other opportunities.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Ensure that every student is challenged and engaged while providing multiple pathways for student success by broadening opportunities, building support systems, and eliminating barriers. APS will eliminate opportunity gaps so all students achieve excellence.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students participate in internships.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Student SuccessAddress unconscious racial bias by implementing implicit bias training throughout APS. (S-SS-4)

This ongoing training will help Arlington Public Schools and its community incorporate culturally relevant concepts and practices into policies, workforce procedures, operational procedures, professional learning offerings, and classroom practices by providing planning, implementation, and sustainability for employees, stakeholders, and students at every level of the division.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Ensure that every student is challenged and engaged while providing multiple pathways for student success by broadening opportunities, building support systems, and eliminating barriers. APS will eliminate opportunity gaps so all students achieve excellence.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students achieve at the level of their peers, irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender, home or native language, disability, special learning needs, economic background, or other factors that should not be predictors of success.
  • Students master the foundational skills of reading, writing, and mathematics.
    Students achieve or exceed standards on proficiency and readiness assessments by grade level and subject area (reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies).
  • Students have equitable access and opportunity across all school programs.
  • Students experience at least one level of growth each year.
  • Students apply critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity in all subject areas.
  • Students earn passing scores on AP and IB exams.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Integrate culturally relevant concepts and practices into all levels of school interactions. (S-SWB-1)

Through culturally relevant teaching, students are at the center of all learning experiences. Teachers build supportive relationships and value students’ cultural backgrounds to cultivate positive and engaging classroom environments. Through professional learning teachers focus on student learning and academic success, develop cultural competence to assist students in developing positive ethnic and social identities, and preparing students for active participation in an increasingly interconnected world.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Create an environment that fosters the growth of the whole child. APS will nurture all students’ intellectual, physical, mental, and social-emotional growth in healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students understand and work with people from different cultural and language backgrounds.
  • Students make personal connections to the curriculum and materials.
  • Students feel valued and respected.

Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Establish and promote a culture of physical, social, emotional, and mental health wellness. (S-SWB-2)

Providing students with social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health supports, services, information, and resources to enhance the promotion of their mental health and social/emotional well-being. This means going beyond literacy, math, history, science, and other core subjects to include helping students build the social, emotional, and behavioral skills they will need to fully access and participate in learning and make the most of their potential and future opportunities.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Create an environment that fosters the growth of the whole child. APS will nurture all students’ intellectual, physical, mental, and social-emotional growth in healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students learn health and wellness practices and have opportunities necessary to develop lifelong healthy habits, including opportunities for physical activity and healthy food choices.
  • Students are mentally healthy.
  • Students are socially healthy.
  • Students and parents report that learning environments are safe and conducive to learning.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Implement an evidence-based curriculum that focuses on students’ physical, social, emotional, and mental health needs. (S-SWB-3)

Evidence-based programs are grounded in research and principles of child and adolescent development and are scientifically evaluated and shown to produce positive student outcome. Implementing an evidence-based program that focus on students’ physical, social, emotional, and mental health needs is one of the key strategies for providing consistent learning opportunities for all students.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Create an environment that fosters the growth of the whole child. APS will nurture all students’ intellectual, physical, mental, and social-emotional growth in healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students learn health and wellness practices and have opportunities necessary to develop lifelong healthy habits, including opportunities for physical activity and healthy food choices.
  • Students are mentally healthy.
  • Students are socially healthy.
  • Students and parents report that learning environments are safe and conducive to learning.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Ensure all students can identify at least one school-based adult who supports and encourages their academic and personal growth. (S-SWB-4)

Students identify trusted adults in the school setting who are a consistent, dependable source of support for youth. Trusted adults can be counselors, teachers, administrators, psychologists, social workers, bus drivers, and other adults who interact regularly with school-age children. They provide a trusted person when students need to talk about important issues or exhibit warning signs of danger or concern.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
<Create an environment that fosters the growth of the whole child. APS will nurture all students’ intellectual, physical, mental, and social-emotional growth in healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students feel supported by the adults in their school and trust the adults to assist them on their successful educational journey.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Establish systematic, proactive, and positive strategies, interventions, and Restorative Justice practices that support student learning and well-being in all areas involving student conduct. (S-SWB-5)

APS is committed to improving school and student climate, culture, and outcomes from behavior incidents. As a result, APS will establish systematic, proactive, and positive strategies, and interventions, that support student learning, behavior, and well-being in all areas involving student conduct. In that effort APS will adopt several frameworks to improve climate and culture and behavior outcomes. The frameworks include Restorative Justice practices, Trauma-Informed Practices, and Social-Emotional Learning, which are designed to support positive student behaviors and provide tools for staff to respond to student behaviors in a supportive way rather than punish adverse behaviors.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Create an environment that fosters the growth of the whole child. APS will nurture all students’ intellectual, physical, mental, and social-emotional growth in healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Suspensions disproportionality for high-risk populations are reduced.
  • Overall suspensions do not rise.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Increase co-taught sections of courses and classes to support the inclusion of students. (S-SWB-6)

Co-taught classes are taught by a general education teacher and special education teacher. Co-taught classes increase the number of students able to access instruction in the general education setting while meeting their needs, and services as required in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This strategy will provide staffing to increase the number of co-taught classes.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Create an environment that fosters the growth of the whole child. APS will nurture all students’ intellectual, physical, mental, and social-emotional growth in healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Increase the general education LRE percentage to reflect students with disabilities participation in general education.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Recruit, retain, and advance high-quality employees. (S-EW-1)

APS is committed to strengthening recruitment, retention, and advancement opportunities for all staff. APS gathers data across the division and employee classifications to identify needs and refine the strategy for targeted recruitment, retention, and advancement efforts. Through this Strategic Plan strategy, APS will enhance its recruitment, retention, and advancement efforts to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Recruit, hire, and invest in a high-quality and diverse workforce to ensure APS is the place where talented individuals choose to work.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • The APS employee diversity profile reflects the Arlington resident diversity profile.
  • The APS teacher diversity profile reflects the student diversity profile.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Provide growth opportunities by implementing a competency-based professional learning and evaluation framework inclusive of all staff members. (S-EW-2)

APS will develop a set of competencies to include the key skills necessary to be highly effective for each position.  Each competency will have a rubric that aligns with the staff evaluation framework, and professional learning designed to assist staff members with growth in the competency. Evaluators will work collaboratively with staff to plan their professional learning based on the competency evaluation. Each job type will have identified competencies that guide staff learning and evaluation

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Recruit, hire, and invest in a high-quality and diverse workforce to ensure APS is the place where talented individuals choose to work.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Staff participate in PL supporting certification requirements for their position.
  • Staff participate in PL aligned with the divisions’ competency needs.
  • Employees have the skills to move into leadership positions.
  • Staff participate in meaningful PL aligned with their personal growth needs.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Grow and develop current and future high-quality leader/managers. (S-EW-3)

Growing leader/managers is essential to APS organizational effectiveness and sustainability. Each job type will have identified competencies and aligned professional learning that cultivates growth in leadership, management skills, and knowledge.  Through this strategy, APS will work collaboratively with current and aspiring leaders/managers to plan their professional learning based on their desired career pathway, resulting in a highly-qualified pool of APS staff for leader/manager position.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Recruit, hire, and invest in a high-quality and diverse workforce to ensure APS is the place where talented individuals choose to work.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Staff experience a positive work climate.
  • Staff are positively engaged in their job and in their work location.
  • Employees have the skills to move into leadership positions.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Develop integrated approaches that promote employee health and wellness. (S-EW-4)

APS strives to ensure employee health and wellness is accessible and meets the needs of our employees and their families. Through our competitive benefit plans and equitable wellness programs, APS demonstrates its commitment to high quality healthcare for employees in addition to well-rounded wellness. Our focus is the physical, mental, financial, and social health and well-being of our employees which is supported through our Employee Assistance Program, Healthcare Plans, and active employee engagement initiatives

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Recruit, hire, and invest in a high-quality and diverse workforce to ensure APS is the place where talented individuals choose to work.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  •  APS staff are healthy.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Establish intentional and focused recruitment and retention efforts to bolster a diverse workforce. (S-EW-5)

APS is committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce that reflects the student population and Arlington County resident demographics. APS gathers data across the division and employee classifications to identify needs and refine the strategy for targeted recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce. Through this Strategic Plan strategy, APS will enhance its recruitment and retention efforts to bolster a diverse workforce.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Recruit, hire, and invest in a high-quality and diverse workforce to ensure APS is the place where talented individuals choose to work.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • The APS employee diversity profile reflects the Arlington resident diversity profile.
  • The APS teacher diversity profile reflects the student diversity profile.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Ensure leader/managers have access to high-quality workforce data. (S-EW-6)

Access to high-quality staff data is essential to assist leaders in leading/managing their organizational units.  Through this strategy, APS will develop a systematic and comprehensive system for employee data collection and internal reporting to support leaders/managers in decision-making

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Recruit, hire, and invest in a high-quality and diverse workforce to ensure APS is the place where talented individuals choose to work.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Staff experience a positive work climate.
  • Staff are positively engaged in their job and in their work location.
  • Staff participate in PL supporting certification requirements for their position.
  • Staff participate in PL aligned with the divisions’ competency needs.
  • Staff participate in meaningful PL aligned with their personal growth needs.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Manage available resources equitably. (S-OE-1)

The equitable allocation of resources is essential to eliminating opportunity gaps. This strategy requires APS to analyze how it allocates resources from an equity lens, permitting the division to ensure that resources are allocated equitably

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Strengthen and improve system-wide operations to meet the needs of Arlington’s growing and changing community.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Facilities are upgraded and maintained equitably.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Provide high-performance learning and working environments that support Universal Design for Learning standards. (S-OE-2)

APS will create new or renovated spaces with every project undertaken that provides universal accessibility to all areas and inclusion for all.  Spaces will provide optimum air quality, natural lighting, thermal comfort and appropriate technology to allow everybody to function at their optimum level to work or learn

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Strengthen and improve system-wide operations to meet the needs of Arlington’s growing and changing community.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Facilities are upgraded and maintained equitably.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Identify and redesign or eliminate inefficient services. (S-OE-3)

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Strengthen and improve system-wide operations to meet the needs of Arlington’s growing and changing community.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Resources are used efficiently.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Use long-term and systematic processes to ensure academics and operations are financially sustainable. (S-OE-4)

For APS to continue to provide high quality education to its students, its operations must be financially sustainable. This strategy requires APS to examine both its academic programming and operations with a long-term view to ensure that the allocation of resources is fiscally responsible.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Strengthen and improve system-wide operations to meet the needs of Arlington’s growing and changing community.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Operational services show high financial return on investment.
  • Academic services show high student outcome return on investment.
  • Budget projections show financial sustainability.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Systematically improve the quality of organizational operations. (S-OE-5)

APS will ensure operational teams plan, establish, communicate, and consistently meet high service levels that provide school leaders, staff, students, and families the daily experience that allows them to experience safe and productive learning opportunities.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Strengthen and improve system-wide operations to meet the needs of Arlington’s growing and changing community.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Operations meet requirements.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Provide training and resources for staff and families to create meaningful partnerships that support student success and well-being. (S-P-1)

APS is committed to building effective and equal partnerships with racially and culturally diverse families to support student learning and socio-emotional development. Through this strategy, APS will provide training and resources to staff and families that will help build and enhance the skills, knowledge, and self-efficacy needed to cultivate effective and equal partnerships with racially and culturally diverse families.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Develop and support strong connections among schools, families, and the community to broaden opportunities for student learning, development, and growth.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • School and program family engagement events build the capacity of staff and/or families in capabilities, connections, cognition, and confidence in families.
  • All schools are welcoming to our diverse families and provide varied opportunities for engaging parents as equal partners.
  • All essential information is easily accessible to diverse families on multiple platforms and in the top five languages.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Partner with local, state, and national businesses, organizations, and governments to support a variety of learning experiences. (S-P-2)

Partnering with businesses, organizations, and governments provides APS an opportunity to provide students with unique and varied learning experiences that prepare students for post-secondary education, military, and career pathways. Through this strategy, APS will actively seek out and engage with stakeholders to build effective and enduring partnerships with local, state, and national businesses, organizations, and governments.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Develop and support strong connections among schools, families, and the community to broaden opportunities for student learning, development, and growth.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students earn dual-enrollment college credits.
  • Students participate in internships.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Partner with advisory committees, nonprofits, and other local organizations to strengthen engagement with all families and provide wrap-around services to students including healthcare, nutrition, academic, and social and emotional supports. (S-P-3)

Wrap-around services is the process of providing APS and community-based supports to children, youth, and families experiencing serious healthcare, nutrition, academic and social/emotional challenges. During the wraparound process, school and community-based services support or wrap around a child or youth and their family in their home, school, and community to help meet their needs. This strategy will help identify gaps and processes to ensure the supports are available to all identified students.

Goals this strategy will help us reach
< Develop and support strong connections among schools, families, and the community to broaden opportunities for student learning, development, and growth.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • Students learn health and wellness practices and have opportunities necessary to develop lifelong healthy habits, including opportunities for physical activity and healthy food choices.
  • Students are mentally healthy.
  • Students are socially healthy.


Strategic Plan | Performance Objectives | Strategies

Build a comprehensive structure for defining strategic partnerships, setting expectations, monitoring performance, and measuring quality.s. (S-P-4)

Strategic partners can help APS to accomplish its mission and strategic plan goals and objectives. Strategic partnerships leverage the expertise of organizations to ensure their mutual success. This strategy will develop a framework for the identification of needed strategic partnerships, the identification of potential partners, expectations of that partnership, and monitoring the partnerships for attainment of mutually agreed-upon outcomes.

Goals this strategy will help us reach< Develop and support strong connections among schools, families, and the community to broaden opportunities for student learning, development, and growth.

Desired Outcomes we will attain with this strategy

  • All essential information is easily accessible to diverse families on multiple platforms and in the top five languages.