Student Well-Being

Healthy, Safe, and Supported Students

Create an environment that fosters the growth of the whole child.  APS will nurture all students’ intellectual, physical, mental, and social-emotional growth in healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments.

  • Our learning environment is physically and emotionally safe for students and adults
  • Prevention and intervention services for physical, mental, behavioral, and social-emotional health
  • Engagement in healthy practices that can be continued throughout life

Performance Objectives to Measure Progress on the Goal for Healthy, Safe, and Supported Students

6.  Key findings on student surveys, including the Your Voice Matters and Youth Risk Behavior Surveys will show a reduction in bullying, violence, sexual harassment, and substance use.

7.  Key findings on student surveys, including the Your Voice Matters and Youth Risk Behavior Surveys will show an improvement in mental health measures and access to mental health resources.

8.  Each school will report 95% implementation of the Whole Child indicators in the areas of safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments (ASCD).

9.  All students can identify at least one school-based adult who supports and encourages their academic and personal growth.

10.  Disproportionality in suspension rates by race/ethnicity, students identified with a disability, and English Learners will be reduced and overall suspensions will not increase.

Strategies to ensure Healthy, Safe, and Supported Students

  • Deliver curriculum through innovative and relevant instruction that is adaptable to the diverse needs of each student.
  • Integrate culturally relevant concepts and practices into all levels of school interactions.
  • Establish and promote a culture of physical and mental wellness.
  • Implement an evidence-based curriculum that focuses on students’ physical, social, emotional, and mental health needs and provides interventions when needed through APS and/or community partnerships.