Student Success

Multiple Pathways to Student Success

Ensure that every student is challenged and engaged while providing multiple pathways for student success by broadening opportunities, building support systems and eliminating barriers.  APS will eliminate opportunity gaps so all students achieve excellence.

  • All students are academically challenged
  • Access to personalized learning opportunities
  • Multiple pathways to graduation
  • Engagement in activities that reflect college and career opportunities and provide the opportunity to learn about and experience workplace expectations and career options
  • Access to all curriculum, options schools, and programs without barriers

Performance Objectives to Measure Progress on the Goal for Student Success

1.  Increased achievement for all reporting groups on district and state assessments shows progress toward eliminating the opportunity gap.

2.  All students will make at least one year’s worth of growth as measured by federal, state, and/or district assessments.

3.  Historically over-represented and under-represented groups accessing services will be aligned with student need and proportionate with demographics.

4.  All graduates will have engaged in at least one experience that demonstrates productive workplace skills, qualities, and behaviors and may include a work-based experience (internships, externships, formal job shadowing, etc.). (Virginia Profile of a Graduate)

5.  At least 80% of students with disabilities will spend 80% or more of their school day in a general education setting.

Strategies to ensure Student Success

  • Embed global competencies, critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship into curriculum and instruction.
  • Adapt curriculum and instruction to the needs of each student.
  • Increase meaningful inclusive learning environments for students.
  • Provide learning opportunities in a variety of settings, times, and formats that include opportunities for students to align knowledge, skills, and personal interests with career and higher educational opportunities including internships and externships.
  • Increase high-quality options for PreK-12 instructional models within and beyond neighborhood schools.
  • Ensure equity of access and opportunity across all school programs.
  • Address unconscious racial bias throughout APS.