Operational Excellence

Strengthen and improve system-wide operations to meet the needs of Arlington’s growing and changing community.

  • Resources are aligned with needs
  • Technology is leveraged to support learning and administrative needs
  • Facilities are designed, developed, and maintained for high performance learning and working environments
  • Environmental stewardship practices are in place
  • Data-based decision making leads to continuous improvement

Performance Objectives to Measure Progress on the Goal for Operational Excellence

16.   APS will be Accredited by the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP).

17.   Organizational operations will meet or exceed benchmarks in comparable school divisions.

18.   All school and department management plans will clearly articulate the data used to write SMART goals aligned to the strategic plan.

19.   All School Board policies will be up to date and will be reviewed every five years.

20.  APS Departments (Finance & Management Services, Facilities &Operations, Teaching & Learning and Planning &Evaluation) will collaborate to plan innovatively, cost effectively, and within budget to meet 100% of student seat needs through both permanent and temporary facilities, based on 10-year projections.

Strategies to ensure Operational Excellence

  • Manage available resources and assets efficiently, cost effectively, and equitably.
  • Use long-term and systematic processes to ensure organizational capacity to accommodate sustained growth.
  • Provide high performance learning and working environments that support Universal Design for Learning standards.