Recruit, hire, and invest in a high-quality and diverse workforce to ensure APS is the place where talented individuals choose to work.
- Strong recruitment and hiring as well as strong staff retention
- Professional learning opportunities engage all staff
- Evaluation processes provide actionable feedback for all staff
- Employees are included, respected, and supported
- Information is readily accessible to all staff in order for them to do their jobs effectively
- Visionary leadership is demonstrated while supporting high expectations that balance the needs of all stakeholders
Performance Objectives to Measure Progress on the Goal for Engaged Workforce
11. At least 95% of APS staff will respond favorably that opportunities for professional development meet their needs, as indicated on the Your Voice Matters survey.
12. At least 95% of APS staff will respond favorably on staff engagement, as indicated on the Your Voice Matters survey.
13. At least 95% of APS staff will respond favorably in areas of leadership, as indicated on the Your Voice Matters survey.
14. APS will retain a high-quality workforce, with 95% of respondents to exit surveys indicating a reason for leaving to be an external factor.
15. All staff participate in training that meets or exceeds industry standards for their position and focuses on student success and well-being.
Strategies to ensure an Engaged Workforce
- Recruit, retain, and advance high-quality employees.
- Provide growth and leadership opportunities for all staff by providing meaningful, high-quality, and relevant professional learning opportunities.
- Strengthen evaluation processes.
- Promote employee health, wellness, and engagement.
- Establish intentional and focused recruitment efforts to bolster a diverse applicant pool.