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Student Progress Dashboard

students reading and doing math

The APS Student Progress Dashboard illustrates student proficiency in primary subjects over time, beginning with the 2019-20 school year. The Office of Academics uses this data to plan instruction for all students.

There are a variety of ways to view the data based on school, grade level or student subgroup. The student academic data is gathered from the school division’s primary assessments (learn more about the universal screeners and about the SOLs). APS teachers are using this data to identify students needing extra support and provide individualized extensions or interventions to help them progress in all areas.

Visit the Dashboards:

Dynamiicon of ABC blocksc Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) (Grades K-5)
Division-wide literacy screener used to determine student progress on early literacy skills, such as phonics, comprehension, fluency and other reading skills. (Notes about the DIBELS dashboard data)


icon of a stack of booksReading Inventory (Grades 6-9)- Discontinued
Classroom-based, adaptive assessment that was administered three times per school year (Fall/Winter/Spring) to evaluate students’ reading performance. (Notes about the Reading Inventory dashboard data)


hmh iconHMH-Growth Measure Assessment (Grades 6-12)

HMH is an assessment used to make decisions that support quality core instruction and interventions or additional support for students. HMH is conducted three times per year, beginning with the 2022-23 school year, to evaluate students’ progress and identify strengths and needs in reading and language arts, using questions aligned to the Virginia Standards of Learning. (Notes about the HMH-Growth Assessment dashboard data)


icon of math function signsMath Inventory 3.1 (Grades 2-8)
Classroom-based, computer-adaptive progress monitoring tool that measures math growth from Kindergarten through Algebra II. (Notes about the Math Inventory dashboard data)


solsStandards of Learning (SOL) Assessments (Grades 3-12)
Division-wide assessment conducted annually to establish minimum expectations for what students should know at the end of each grade or course in English, mathematics, science, and history/social science. SOL tests in reading, writing, mathematics, science and history/social science measure the success of students in meeting the Virginia Board of Education’s expectations for learning and achievement. View key takeaways from the 2021-22 SOL results.


There are six ways to view the data for each assessment:

  • Trend by Test Admin: Displays student progress for each of the three assessment dates throughout the selected school year – Beginning of Year (Fall), Midyear (Winter) and End of Year (Spring).
  • Division/School Comparison: Compares a school’s results with the division during each of the three assessments during in the selected school year.
  • SY Comparison: Compares student progress for each school year by division or school. The best score for each student on the three assessment dates is used.
  • Division Overview: Provides a snapshot of the school division performance for the selected school year.
  • Overview by Test Admin: Displays the school division’s performance for a specific test date and compares the selected school with the division.
  • Overview by School Year: Displays the school division’s performance for a selected school year and compares an individual school’s results with the division.

Toolbars at the top of each dashboard make it possible to sort results by academic year (2019-20, 2020-21, or 2021-22), school, grade(s), and subgroups, including race and ethnicity, students with disabilities, English Learners (ELs), and ELs by proficiency. It is also possible to review and compare an individual school’s results to the division. The dashboard does not provide a screen for comparing one school to another school.

Notes to keep in mind as you view the data:

  • For some grade levels, not all students take the assessments. For instance, Reading Inventory is taken by all students grades 6-9, and it is also taken by some additional high school students in other grades, such as students with disabilities and ELs at the high school level. Therefore, if you select Grade 10, for instance, it is not representative of all 10th grade students.
  • During the 2020-21 school year, conditions for test administration were different than in a normal school year due to virtual instruction. This factor should be considered when reviewing the results.

Additional Notes about the Dashboard

For questions regarding the Student Progress Dashboard, please email engage@apsva.us.