
Review the resources on this page to learn more about the programs and services Arlington Public Schools provides to employees.

Be Informed 

APS Alert – School Talk
School Talk is Arlington Public Schools emergency notification and communication system that is used to send emergency notification and timely information to students and parents at each individual school. Staff are automatically enrolled in APS School Talk via their APS email. Staff can enter a mobile number in their STARS account to also receive text messages.

Arlington Alert
Arlington Alert is an alert system that allows the County to contact you during an emergency.  Employees are encouraged to sign up for Arlington Alert here.  Arlington Alert allows you to choose how to be notified during an emergency, pick what notifications you want to receive, and specific particular times during the day you would prefer not to receive notifications.

Be Ready

Emergency Signage
In addition to lighted EXIT signs in every school, additional signage is posted that we recommend you become familiar with to be prepared for emergencies.

Emergency Procedures Posters
Large blue and yellow Emergency Procedures posters (PDF) are posted throughout schools.  These posters provide basic guidance on how to respond to potential emergencies on campus.

Evacuation Plans
Indicate primary and alternate exit routes, the location of emergency equipment and provide the physical address of each building.

Area of Refuge
Indicate areas in which individuals who are unable to evacuate are taken to await emergency personnel to be safely evacuated from the school.

Emergency Equipment
Schools within the Arlington Public School District are equipped with emergency equipment, including but not limited to fire extinguishers, automated external defibrillators (AED), and first aid kits.  Clinic staff may have additional equipment to address basic life support medical concerns.

Emergency Procedures Manual
SSREM provides an emergency procedures manual for employees.  This resource contains information on how to prepare for and respond to emergencies that may occur at an Arlington Public School facility, including building evacuation, severe weather, shelter-in-place, lockdown, violence, national/regional emergency, medical emergency, and emergency contact information.

Personal Emergency Kits
During emergencies, resource availability may be limited and environmental conditions may change established patterns.  Members of the Arlington Public Schools family should have an emergency kit at home, at work and in their personal vehicle.  For instructions on how to build your own emergency kit and suggestions for what to include, visit vaemergency.gov/prepare/emergency-kit/.

Emergency Management
Arlington Public Schools maintains a comprehensive Emergency Management program.  In an emergency, teachers and administrators convene and utilize emergency plans to coordinate response activities and provide support to local responders and those impacted by the emergency.  Plans are designed to protect students, employees and visitors.

Departmental/School Preparedness 

SSREM provides training and consultation on how to prepare your work area for emergencies that may occur.  Departments/Schools may request training by contacting SSREM.  During this workshop, your department/school will review emergency response procedures, get assistance in registering cell phones with Arlington Alert, and learn information about the district’s strategic plan for Safety, Security, Emergency and Risk Management.

Depending on the nature of your work, you may be required to attend training after joining the Arlington Public Schools family.  SSREM & Facilities & Operations provide a wide range of training topics that are both required or optional for employees.  To learn more about training that is offered contact SSREM or Facilities & Operations or access Frontline.

Emergency Response Information 

You will be notified of an emergency within the district via public address (PA), APS Alert – School Talk, Arlington Alert, or by an administrator.  When notified of an emergency, it is important to remain calm and follow any instructions you receive from teachers, administrators, and emergency responders.  During emergencies, cell phone towers are frequently overwhelmed by large call volume which may prevent others from calling for help.  If possible, use text messaging to communicate during emergencies to leave phone lines open for those who need them most. 

Public Safety
Arlington Public Schools maintains a collaborative relationship with Arlington County Police Department and Arlington County Fire & Rescue to provide a safe and secure environment at our schools.  Police, Fire & Rescue, and school administrators meet on a regular basis to discuss emergency response to individual schools.

Recreation (Athletic) Facilities
Recreational facilities (e.g., aquatics, field space, etc.) are provided in partnership with Arlington County Parks and Recreation Department.  Wakefield Stadium Track and Washington-Lee High School Track are closed during all high school games, track meets, district, regional and state tournaments, and county-sponsored events.  See a complete listing of all aquatic rules and regulations


Fire Drill
Fire Drills are conducted at each school in accordance with the Arlington County Fire Code, Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, and Department of Education Standards for Accreditation.  Drills are held in all buildings and are unannounced.  Fire drills are conducted one per week during the first month of school and at least one fire drill each month for the remainder of the school year. 

Lockdown Drill
Lockdown Drills are conducted at each school in accordance with Code of Virginia and Department of Education Standards for Accreditation.  Drills are held in all buildings can be announced or unannounced.  Lockdown drills are required to be conducted twice during the first 20 days of school and two additional during the remainder of the year, of which one must be held in January.  Lockdown drills are in compliance with the Arlington County Fire Code and the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code.

Tornado Drill
Each year, Arlington Public Schools participates in the statewide Tornado Drill.  This drill is designed to promote awareness of tornado and severe weather response procedures.  The drill is announced via School Talk and internal public-address systems at each school.  Participation is required and does not interfere with classroom instruction.

Earthquake Drill
September of each year, Arlington Public Schools participates in the Great Southeast Shakeout Earthquake Drill.  This drill is designed to promote awareness of earthquake response procedures.  The drill is announced via School Talk and internal public-address systems at each school.  Participation is required and does not interfere with classroom instruction.