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Health and Safety


Per current APS  and childcare office policy, masks are currently encouraged but not required while Arlington County is in Low or Medium community transmission risk category based on the CDC. If the Community Transmission Rate escalates to HIGH, masks will once again be mandatory. You may sign a mask Opt-Out form to exempt your child from wearing a mask even during time of High community transmission.

Health Symptom Screening

Please refer to this document detailing the symptoms of Covid-19 and do not send your child to school if he or she is sick. There are no longer any temperature checks or screening questionnaires required before arrival in the morning.

If your child exhibits symptoms related to Covid-19, parents must provide a physician’s note OR proof of a negative Covid-19 test (rapid or PCR) before your child can return to school.

flyer about symptoms - click for PDF

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Integration Station and The Children’s School will continue to facilitate meals in the classrooms. Mitigation procedures will include handwashing before and after meals, and spacing of students during meals where possible.

What happens if my child tests positive for Covid-19?

Students who test positive must isolate at home for 5 days. Day 1 is the day after the student tests positive.

If symptom free, students may return on Day 6 with a negative rapid or PCR test. If the student continues to test positive during days 6-10, they must continue to isolate at home until they test negative. No test is required to return after Day 10.

Masking after testing positive will follow APS policy: Students and staff who test positive must mask while in school buildings on days 6-10. Students who are unable or unwilling to mask and who are symptom-free may follow the CDC’s test-based strategy, which includes two negative tests taken after 5 days of isolation.

Close Contacts

Students and staff who are directly exposed to Covid-19 but remain symptom-free are no longer required to isolate.

Those with close contacts may continue to attend school as long as they remain symptom-free, and are asked to take a Antigen or PCR test on Day 5 after the exposure per CDC recommendation. Masks are strongly encouraged for the 10 days following a direct exposure, in accordance with CDC and VDH recommendations.

EXCEPTION: If a member of the student’s household tests positive and cannot be isolated from the student, daily rapid-tests are strongly encouraged due to the continual exposure at home.

For more information on APS Health and Safety procedures, please see the APS website here.