Public Comments

ASEAC Public Comment Guidelines

At the beginning of each meeting, ASEAC welcomes comments from the public regarding unmet needs of students with disabilities in Arlington Public Schools. ASEAC members use comments from the public and other information sources to inform recommendations and to advise the Arlington School Board regarding the needs of students with disabilities in APS.

1. Each public comment is limited to three minutes. The total time allotted for public comments at each meeting will be fifteen minutes.

2. Public comments can be made in person at a meeting. If you cannot appear in person, you may send your written comment to or provide it to an ASEAC member, and an ASEAC member will read your comment for you.

3. A public comment signup sheet will be posted at the entrance to each ASEAC meeting 15 minutes before the meeting begins. Please sign up prior to the start of the meeting, as the public comment period is the first item on the agenda.

4. Comments will be accepted in the order of sign-up, with priority given to inperson commenters, until the 15-minute public comment period has expired. Any additional written comments will be added to the minutes, and possibly may be heard after other agenda items if time permits.

5. Written copies of comments are always helpful. If a speaker would like to present written comments to ASEAC to accompany your oral statement, please provide a copy to the Secretary of ASEAC.

6. Public comments will be included in ASEAC’s meeting minutes, which are posted on ASEAC’s website. If you wish to submit your comment anonymously, please so indicate at the time of submittal.

7. ASEAC does not respond to public comments at the time they are received. ASEAC requests that staff provide a response by the next meeting.

8. Any person who would like an interpreter to assist them in providing public comment and/or any person with a disability who needs accommodation to provide public comment should contact the Parent Resource Center at 703.228.7239 or at least seven business days in advance of a meeting to request assistance.

9. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact to reach a member of the ASEAC leadership team.