ASEAC Meetings


Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee (ASEAC) Meeting
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 23, 2023: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Register at:
The business portion of this meeting will be recorded through Zoom. During each meeting, ASEAC welcomes comments from the public regarding the needs of students with disabilities in APS. See the ASEAC Public Comment Guidelines at for information about submitting public comments. Any person who would like an interpreter and/or any person with a disability who needs accommodation to access the meeting should contact the Parent Resource Center at 703.228.7239 or at least five business days in advance of a meeting to request interpretation.
Reunión del Comité Asesor de Educación Especial de Arlington (ASEAC)
martes, 23 de mayo de 2023 de 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Esta parte de negocios de esta reunión se grabará a través de Zoom.Durante cada reunión, ASEAC agradece los comentarios del público sobre las necesidades de los estudiantes con discapacidades en APS. Consulte las Pautas de comentarios públicos de la ASEAC en para obtener información sobre cómo enviar comentarios públicos. Cualquier persona que requiera un intérprete y / o con una alguna discapacidad que necesite adaptaciones para atender a la reunión debe comunicarse con el Centro de Recursos para Padres y solicitar asistencia al 703.228.7239 o con al menos cinco días de anticipación antes de la reunión.

2022-2023 Meeting Calendar, Minutes and Recordings

Tuesday, September 20: 7-9pm ASEAC Meeting Minutes: 9.20.22 View September 2022 Meeting Recording
Tuesday, October 11: 7-9pm Cancelled
Tuesday, November 15: 7-9pm ASEAC Meeting Minutes: 11.15.22
Tuesday, December 13: 7-9pm ASEAC Meeting Minutes: 12.13.22
Tuesday, January 10: 7-9pm ASEAC Meeting Minutes 1.10.23
Tuesday, February 28: 7-9pm ASEAC Meeting Minutes 2.28.23
Tuesday, March 21: 7-9pm Pending approval at 4.25.23 meeting
Tuesday, April 25: 7-9pm
Tuesday, May 23: 7-9pm
No meeting

ASEAC meets monthly from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. ASEAC invites all interested citizens to participate in monthly meetings. All ASEAC meetings are public meetings and anyone can attend and participate. If you wish to receive email notification of our meeting dates and agendas, please send ASEAC an email at and request to join the email list.

If you would like to provide live public comments in person at an ASEAC meeting, please indicate your interest on the online registration form. ASEAC kindly asks that you please sign up prior to the start of the meeting. Oral public comments are limited to three minutes each. If anyone is not able to speak in the time allotted for public comments, they will have an opportunity to provide public comments after the agenda is concluded and will be able to submit written comments which will be included in the minutes.

After a public comment is submitted, ASEAC requests a response from APS staff by the next meeting.

Due to meeting time constraints and confidentiality, if you have a question or comment regarding an individual student, these discussions should take place outside of the 7:00-9:00 pm meeting hours. Any questions or comments about a specific student situation can be emailed to the address or any ASEAC Committee Member (contact information is listed at:, or discussed in person at monthly meetings before or after the 7-9 official meeting hours.
If you need language interpretation and/or ADA accommodations to participate in the meeting, please contact the Parent Resource Center (PRC) at least 7 days prior to the meeting at or 703.228.7239.

2021-22 Meetings

September 14, 2021 ASEAC September 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes View 9.14.21 ASEAC meeting recording
October 12, 2021 View 10.12.21 ASEAC meeting recording
November 16, 2021 ASEAC November 16, 2021 Meeting Minutes View 11.16.21 ASEAC meeting recording
December 14, 2021 ASEAC December 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes View 12.14.21 ASEAC meeting recording
January 25, 2022 ASEAC January 25, 2022 Meeting Minutes View 1.25.22 ASEAC meeting recording
February 22, 2022 ASEAC February 22, 2022 Meeting Minutes View 2.22.22 ASEAC meeting recording
March 22, 2022 ASEAC March 29, 2022 Meeting Minutes View 11.29.22 ASEAC meeting recording
April 19, 2022 ASEAC April 26, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Combined May and June 202 Meeting ASEAC June 7, 2022 Meeting Minutes

ASEAC 2020-2021 Meetings

September 29, 2020 Meeting Minutes 9.29.21 View Recorded Meeting
October 27, 2020 Meeting Minutes 10.27.20 View Recorded Meeting
November 17, 2020 Meeting MInutes 11.17.20 View Recorded Meeting
December 15, 2020 Meeting Minutes 12.15.20  View Recorded Meeting
January 26, 2021 Meeting Minutes 1.26.21 View Recorded Meeting
February 23, 2021 Meeting Minutes 2.23.21 View Recorded Meeting
March 23, 2021 Meeting Minutes 3.23.21  View Recorded Meeting
April 27, 2021 Meeting Minutes 4.27.21 View Recorded Meeting
May 25, 2021 Meeting Minutes 5.25.21 View Recorded Meeting
June 15, 2021 View Recorded Meeting

These meetings are open to the public. For more information please e-mail