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Citizen Advisory Groups

Arlington Public Schools values your input. That’s why the school system has a strong network of more than 30 volunteer advisory committees, each one focusing on a specific subject or topic area from instruction to construction.

Advisory committees and advisory groups vary in formality and time commitment. Some report to the School Board on an annual basis, while others work directly with Arlington Public Schools staff members on a particular project or subject. In addition, ad hoc groups may be formed for limited terms to focus on projects and issues of immediate concern.

Most members of advisory groups are appointed by the School Board, which seeks to reflect the broad diversity of the community in order to ensure a wide range of perspectives. Terms are staggered so that vacancies occur regularly. Only Arlington County residents are eligible for membership on advisory groups and committees.

If you are interested in finding out more about a particular advisory group or committee, attend a committee meeting. All meetings are open to the public, and all citizens are welcome to attend regardless of whether they have children enrolled in Arlington Public Schools.
The Arlington School Board welcomes your participation and invites you to serve your community by joining an advisory group or committee.

Advisory Council on Teaching & Learning (ACTL – formerly ACI)

Non-Instructional Advisory Committees

  • Advisory Council on School Facilities and Capital Programs
  • Advisory Committee on Transportation Choices
  • Arlington Aquatics Committee
  • Budget Advisory Council
  • Building Level Planning Committees
  • Joint Facilities Advisory Commission
  • School Health Advisory Board
  • School Plan Advisory Committees
  • Special Education Parent Resource Center Parent Liaison Group
  • Student Advisory Board
  • Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Equity and Excellence
  • Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Student Concerns
  • Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability
  • Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Technology