Program Format & Completion Requirements

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3-Day Educational Program

  • Monday – Wednesday, 8:45-3:45
  • Location: Syphax Education Center, 2110 Washington Boulevard
  • Bring a bag lunch – Food will not be provided

Parent/Guardian Program

  • Wednesday evening of the teen program, 6:30-9:30 p.m. and Saturday morning immediately following teen program, 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

Parent/Guardian Session Topics:

  • Reviewing the effects of alcohol on adolescent brain development.
  • Recognizing signs and symptoms of substance use.
  • Communicating effectively and setting clear limits and expectations.

3-Hour Booster Session:

Students and their Parent/Guardian MUST attend this session together. It is scheduled on a Monday evening approximately 6 weeks after completion of the Student Workshop and Parent/Guardian Sessions. A light dinner will be provided.

Booster Session for Students and Parents/Guardians:

Date: Monday

Time:  6:30pm-9:30pm

Location: Stambaugh Human Services Center

2100 Washington Blvd

.Lower Level

Arlington, VA 22201

3-Hour Booster Session topics for Students and Parents/Guardians:

  • Reviewing the action plan.
  • Identifying and evaluating changes.
  • Discussing barriers to positive change and identifying strategies for overcoming them.

Program Completion Requirements

  • Student must attend the entire 3-day program and booster session
  • Parent/guardian must attend the parent program and booster session
  • Referral sources (school, court, parent) will be notified upon successful/unsuccessful completion of program for appropriate action

Absence from school

  • Participation in the program is an excused absence
  • Students and parents/guardians are responsible for notifying schools and students for making up missed school work