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Third Grade Assessments


VDOE Guidelines for Local Alternative Assessment:  As a result of HB 930, the third grade science SOL test was eliminated, effective with the 2014-2015 school year and has been replaced with district developed alternative assessments.  For more information on the changes, please view the guidelines for local alternative assessments from VDOE.

APS Alternative Assessment:

Performance Assessment Recommendations for Grade 3: These APS alternative assessments were developed utilizing the elementary textbook adoption Science Fusion Program and VA Enhanced Scope and Sequence sample lesson plans.  These activities are alternative assessments which are evaluated by the classroom teacher as the instructional professional.  There are 2 laboratory-based assessments for each of the 8 strands; teachers are required to administer one assessment per strand.  We will piloting a new set assessments with particpating schools in 2017-18. For more information about the pilot, please contact Jennifer Powell at jennifer.powell@apsva.us

Third grade teachers must report which assessments they have completed each quarter.  The reporting form does not require any student data entry, only information about which assessment was administered that quarter and when it was given.  The link is available here.  If a teacher elects to use an assessment that is not on the APS alternative assessment list, they must submit a summary of their assessment along with any student handouts and grading rubrics to the science office for review.