B-WET Grant

B-WET WL Pond Sotomayor

In 2016 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded APS a three year Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) grant.  These grants support locally relevant and authentic learning experiences for students through Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs).  

The Arlington grant is “Sustainable Solutions for Urban Stormwater Management through Project-Based Learning” and involves select 6th, 7th, Biology, Environmental and Earth Science teachers.  Teachers receive training in using FieldScope, GLOBE, digital data gathering using scientific probeware and sensors, becoming an EcoSchool, problem based learning and protocols to support student data collection in the field.  For more information contact Jennifer Powell at jennifer.powell@apsva.us   APS teachers can access training materials in Canvas in the APS Science Course.