Graduation Requirements

The following applies to students who enter 9th grade in 2018-2019 and beyond.

To graduate from high school, students shall meet the minimum requirements for either the Standard Diploma or Advanced Studies Diploma as outlined below. A standard credit is earned when a student passes a course. A verified credit is earned when a student passes a course and either the associated end-of-course SOL test or a performance assessment in history and social sciences.

Virginia Diploma Types/Graduation Requirements

Advanced Studies Diploma

26 Total Course Credits

4 English

4 Math

4 Science

4 History & Social Sciences

2 Health/PE

1 Economics and Personal Finance

3 World Languages (or 2 of 2 languages)

1 Fine Art (FA) or Career and Technology Education


Electives (including two sequential)


Standard Diploma

22 Total Course Credit

4 English

3 Math

3 Science

3 History & Social Sciences

2 Health/PE

1 Economics and Personal Finance

2 World Languages (WL), Fine Arts (FA), or

Career and Technology Education (CTE)

(1 must be FA or CTE, AND 1 must be WL, FA, or CTE)

4 Electives (including two sequential)


Verified Credits (SOLs): 5 Total

2 English (1 Reading and 1 Writing)

1 Math

1 Science

1 History/Social Science

Additional Requirements

  • First Aid, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillators (AED) Training (APS students complete this through PE/Health 9 curriculum)
  • 1 Virtual course (APS students complete this through Economics and Personal Finance or AP/IB Economics)
  • 1 Intensified (HN)/AP/IB/DE course OR 1 CTE credential OR HQWBL experience
Other Diploma Options Graduation Resources
Applied Studies Diploma Transfer Students
Other Diplomas & Certificates Diploma Seals of Achievement


Any student who fails to graduate or who has failed to achieve graduation requirements as provided in the standards for accreditation is entitled to a free public education provided the student has not reached 20 years of age on or before August 1 of the given school year. If a student does not graduate or complete graduation requirements and is a student who is eligible for English Learner Services, the local School Board shall notify the parent of the student’s opportunity for a free public education until age 22.