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Pre-K and Elementary Lottery FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions: How were spaces decided for the option schools and programs lottery?

  • The number of applicants exceeded the number of available spaces at all elementary and Primary Montessori option schools and programs; therefore, we held automated lotteries for admission to all programs. Students who applied, but were not selected through the lottery have been placed on a waitlist.

My student was admitted/waitlisted to more than one program, what do I do now?

  • Students who applied to more than one school or program and were eligible may have been admitted to more than one school or program, or placed on the waitlist.  As a result, families will need to make a final decision regarding which school or program the student will attend by Friday, May 22, 2020.

What happens once I decide what program my student will attend?

  • If you have been accepted to more than one option school or program, once a commitment is made for the fall of 2020, the student’s name will be removed from any other admission and/or waitlist. If a student did not receive an offer to their first choice, they can decline the offer to their second or third choice and remain on the waitlist for their first choice.

What happens if my student has been waitlisted to one or more programs?

  • If a student has been placed on multiple waitlists without any offers for a spot at any school or program, the student will remain on all waitlists until the family receives an offer and MUST make a choice.

Is transportation available for my student attending option schools/programs?

  • School bus transportation is provided for eligible students through hub stops placed in central locations where students from several neighborhoods meet to catch the bus to their school. There are 37 hub stops located throughout the County; students will be assigned to the closest stop. Families may request a different hub stop if it is more convenient and should contact the Transportation Office to request the change.  A map and list of stop locations will be available to view at the school’s main office when buildings reopen.

What are the transportation options for three-year old and four-year old Montessori Public School and Montessori Satellite location students?

  • Three-year-old and four-year-old students attending the Montessori Public School of Arlington will receive transportation.
  • Parents must provide their own transportation for three-year-old students attending the Montessori Satellite locations.
  • Four-year-old Montessori students attending a program at their neighborhood school will be able to ride the bus. However, if the student is attending a program outside their neighborhood school, parents must provide their own transportation.

Help! I have more questions:

  • If you have any questions regarding the application process, lotteries and or waitlists, please send an email to schooloptions@apsva.us, and we will be happy to assist you.