Mary Kadera

headshot sept 2021Mary Kadera joined the Arlington County School Board on January 1, 2022. Mary has been a lifelong advocate for public education and is herself a proud graduate of Virginia’s public education system, from kindergarten through her masters degree.

She attended Fairfax County Public Schools and the College of William and Mary, double-majoring in English and Biology and then teaching both subjects at the high school level in Winchester and Charlottesville. Her masters degree is in American Studies from UVA.

Mary left the classroom to work at PBS in the early days of the Internet, where she developed online content and programs for K-12 teachers and students. Eventually she led PBS’s national education division, overseeing its federal grant programs and coordinating and supporting the work of more than 300 local member stations. After leaving PBS, she consulted with a variety of national education nonprofits, helping them to analyze and advocate for good education policy; understand the needs of families, staff and students; and launch and improve programs for school leaders, teachers and young people. She now works at TED leading initiatives for lifelong learners.

Mary and her husband Fraser have been married since 2004 and moved from Alexandria to Arlington in 2013. Their son Ian attends Yorktown High School and their daughter Ruby is enrolled at Kenmore Middle School. In Arlington, Mary’s been a leader of her children’s elementary PTA and the County Council of PTAs, and an active volunteer with the Potomac River Group of the Sierra Club. Things Mary no longer has a lot of time for, but really enjoys, include reading novels, quilting, camping, and baking pies.

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Term expires December 31, 2025