David Priddy

School Board Member David PriddyDavid Priddy joined the School Board on January 1, 2021.  A native Arlingtonian, he attended Arlington Public Schools: Long Branch Elementary, Thomas Jefferson Middle School, and Wakefield High School. He graduated from James Madison University in 1996 with a degree in History. David and his wife Melanie have two boys in middle and High School. He has coached basketball, baseball, and soccer and, through this experience, has gained an appreciation of the rich sports programs available to our children.

As part of his commitment to all parents and children in Arlington, David has served on various local committees and organizations focused on education, giving him greater insight into the concerns of the whole Arlington community. David has served on the following committees and organizations: President of the Jefferson Middle School PTA, a member of the Advisory Council on Instruction, the NAACP Education Committee, the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Equity and Excellence, the County Council of PTAs, and the Building Level Planning Committee for the Career Center Expansion, among others.

Most of his professional career has been in the vertical transportation industry, where he managed branches in Santa Barbara, Burbank, and Northern Virginia.  He brings an aptitude for managing budgets, and multimillion-dollar operations, working with labor unions, transforming sustainability solutions into everyday practice, and dealing with various aspects of construction.

David’s business experience has uniquely positioned him to represent APS and move the school system forward in a positive direction. He has had a front-row seat to four decades of changes and the remaining challenges Arlington County faces.

Office Phone: 703-228-6015

Email: david.priddy@apsva.us / school.board@apsva.us

Term expires December 31, 2024