Home Address Confirmation Process FAQs


General Questions | Address Changes & Student Withdrawals | Document Questions | Housing Situation Questions

The following are the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Home Address Confirmation Process (HACP). As new information becomes available, the questions will be updated and the date they were updated will be listed.

If your question is not answered in the FAQs, please contact your student’s school or the APS Welcome Center for assistance at 703-228-8000 (Select Option 2) or registration@apsva.us.

General Questions

Why is APS requiring Home Address Confirmation for current 5th and 8th grade students?
By launching this new process, the following outcomes will be achieved:

  • Implements a fair and consistent process to ensure students reside within Arlington;
  • Ensures a student’s cumulative file has accurate and updated information before it is transferred to the next school;
  • Occurs at a time when students are preparing to transition to a new school for the upcoming school year;
  • Provides an opportunity to identify students with complex living circumstances so they can receive comprehensive resources and supports as needed; and
  • Allows APS to more efficiently manage and allocate resources.

Has APS previously required families to confirm their home address?

Yes, specifically for the annual submissions of affidavits (Form A/B) and for expired leases. In addition, if a referral was made to the APS Residency Specialist and a residency investigation was launched, a family would have to confirm their home address. For example, APS would request an investigation for returned postal mail if attempts to confirm the address were unable to be resolved. During an investigation, a family would have to confirm they reside in Arlington. If it was determined the family resided outside of Arlington, the student(s) were withdrawn from APS.

How are siblings impacted?

Siblings living in the same household and at the same address must attend the school in their attendance/boundary zone based on their address. Changes will take effect at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.

Is Home Address Confirmation related to immigration status?

Immigration or citizenship status is not relevant to confirming a home address. Schools will not ask for documents confirming U.S. citizenship, social security information, or any other citizenship documents.

How will concerns and problems be addressed?

Concerns and problems should first be communicated to the school-based registrar and/or administrative staff for resolution. In addition, families may contact the APS Welcome Center at 703-228-8000 or registration@apsva.us.

APS has established a telephone hotline (703-228-8000) and an email address at registration@apsva.us for parents/guardians to receive additional assistance with their concerns.

Is there an appeals process?

An appeals process has been established. Schools and/or families can refer cases that need further review to the student registration supervisor for a final determination. The appeals process for families wishing to appeal a decision is as follows:

  • First Appeal: Executive Director, Student Services
  • Second Appeal: Superintendent’s Designee, currently the Chief of Staff
  • Final Appeal: School Board

All requests for appeals as part of the Home Address Confirmation Process should be submitted to the Supervisor of Student Registration at sarah.looney@apsva.us. The decision made by the School Board is final and binding.

Address Changes & Student Withdrawals

If my address changes, does my child need to transfer to the school in their boundary/attendance area?

Students will remain in their current school for the remainder of the 2022-23 school year; however, they and any siblings will need to attend the school in their attendance area based on their new address at the start of the 2023-24 school year.

Are there any options for students to remain in their current school if their home address has changed?

Students wishing to remain in their current school, despite an address change, are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in School Board Policy J-5.3.31 Options and Transfers. Additional information is available on the School Options and Transfers website.

Will my child be moved this school year if my address changed?

No, students will remain in their current school for the remainder of the 2022-23 school year. Changes will take effect at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.

What happens if students reside in another county?

Students residing in another county or jurisdiction will be permitted to complete the 2022-23 school year at their current in APS; however, they will be withdrawn from APS for the 2023-24 school year. Families will receive assistance and support with registering students for school in the county where they reside.

What happens if I do not submit my documents and my student(s) is withdrawn?

Students for whom HACP documents have not been received will be officially withdrawn from APS for the 2023-24 school year on May 15, 2023. Please note that course requests for the 2023-24 school year will also be removed for students who are withdrawn. Students will be able to finish the current school year at APS but will have to register with the school system where they reside for the 2023-24 school year.

When a student is withdrawn from an option school or program, they give up their seat and it will be offered to the next student on the waitlist. If the student wants to return to the option school or program, they will need to submit a new application. Applications submitted after the application submission timeframe ends will be placed at the bottom of existing waitlists.

Any student withdrawn for being unable to confirm a home address in Arlington is able to re-enroll in APS once they have established residency in Arlington. Every attempt will be made to avoid withdrawing students; however, students will be withdrawn if their home address is unable to be confirmed or APS has not been notified of a complex living situation.

Document Questions      

What documents are necessary to confirm a home address?

A student’s home address is based on the residence of their parent(s), guardian, custodian, or other primary care giver. To be enrolled in any public school in Arlington, a parent, guardian, custodian, or other primary caregiver must provide documentation that verifies proof of Arlington County residency for each student. This proof includes:

  • Homeownership
    • Deed or Deed of Trust or
    • Settlement documentation (for a new home purchase if the deed is not yet recorded)
  • Leasing/Renting a home
    • Current Lease Agreement from building owner (must be signed by both tenant & landlord)
  • Living in a stable residence and contributing to the household
    • Form A – to prove residency (filled out by the parent/guardian, who is an Arlington resident)
    • Form B – a current lease agreement (filled out by the person on the official lease)
    • Must be completed annually
  • Supporting Documents Required to Submit Two of the Following to Confirm Current Address
    • Federal, state, or property tax return; vehicle registration; valid VA driver’s license with current address; current payroll or withholding statement; current utility bill; or financial assistance documents from Arlington County.

What is the timeline for submitting documents?

The Home Address Confirmation process will launch on February 6, 2023, at all elementary and middle schools. Documents must be submitted by March 15, 2023. The final deadline to resolve issues before student withdrawal for the 2023-24 school year is May 15, 2023.

How are families able to submit documents?

Families of current fifth and eighth graders will be able to submit their documents in one of two ways:

  • In person at their child’s school or at the APS Welcome Center located at the Syphax Education Center (2110 Washington Boulevard)
  • Electronically through the secure document upload website

Lease/Deed Questions

How will month-to-month leases be handled?

Families with month-to-month leases will need to submit documents confirming they have a month-to-month lease or other supporting documents. In some situations, a family may be requested to submit a letter from the property owner confirming they are leasing on a month-to-month basis. This process is a snapshot in time and reviews the current address of a family. Families do not need to resubmit documents every month but are required to provide updated documents on an annual basis.

How often do leases need to be resubmitted?

Leases should be resubmitted when they expire and a new lease is signed or annually, whichever one comes first.

How do I retrieve my deed if I am unable to find it?

In most situations, a person can email the Land Records Division to request a digital version of their deed. Information on requesting a deed is available on the Arlington County’s Land Records Division website.

Housing Situation Questions

Are there any exceptions for families experiencing hardships?

Yes, the following are some of the most common exceptions:

  • Unhoused Families: Exceptions to the Home Address Confirmation (HAC) process exist for students who meet the definition of unhoused or experiencing homelessness per School Board Policy J-5.3.1 Homeless Education Services.
  • Military Families: Military families who reside in Arlington County, on a military base located in Arlington County, or are planning to reside in Arlington County pursuant to military orders have additional flexibility under state and federal law as stated in School Board Policy J-5.3.30 Admissions.
  • Relocated Families: Finally, families who have been residents of Arlington County and have been voluntarily or involuntarily relocated within 30 miles of Arlington County with the demonstrated intent to return within 180 calendar days are considered residents in accordance with School Board Policy J-5.3.30 Admissions.

What can families do if they live in Arlington County and their housing situation is complex, making it hard to get one or more of the required documents?

Families who have complex housing situations should contact their student’s school to discuss their concerns more extensively. School staff may also involve the school social worker so they can work together to assist the family with determining the next steps and problem solving.

In some situations, the school may need to refer a family to the APS Welcome Center to provide additional guidance and work through more complex situations. Families may contact the Welcome Center at any point for assistance with questions and additional information.

For additional information or questions, please contact your student’s school or the APS Welcome Center for assistance at 703-228-8000 (Select Option 2) or registration@apsva.us.