APS News Release

Wakefield Educator Named Dual Language Immersion Teacher of the Year

Dr. Ana Munoz Gonzalez
Photo of Dr. Munoz Gonzalez

The Association of Two-Way Dual Language Education (ATDLE) has awarded Dr. Ana Muñoz Gonzalez, a Dual Language Immersion (DLI) teacher at Wakefield High School, with the 2021 Secondary Dual Language Immersion Teacher of the Year Award. The award recognizes educators who are making significant contributions to their communities in teaching and promoting bilingualism and biliteracy.

Dr. Muñoz Gonzalez has been a teacher at Wakefield High School since 2016 where she teaches both intensified biology and chemistry in Spanish to DLI students. Dr. Muñoz Gonzalez’ intelligence, warm effect on students and belief in students coupled with rigorous expectations results in excellent student achievement.

Dr. Muñoz Gonzalez uses her background as a teacher and a research scientist to excite students about learning. She engages students in critical thinking as they learn biology and chemistry. Dr. Muñoz Gonzalez understands the intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of the age group she teaches and has created a caring and respectful environment while authentically engaging students in meaningful learning.

In addition to her work at Arlington Public Schools, Dr. Muñoz Gonzalez oversees Españoles Científicos en USA, (ECUSA) educational program for the DC area.  In her role, she is committed to closing the achievement gap in science in the Latino community by performing outreach and hands-on activities in Spanish with Latino youth.

The 2021 ATDLE Teacher of the Year will receive complimentary registration to the annual National Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Conference, classroom library selections and $1,000 cash to support classroom activities.